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887 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#17

the closest analog to Hitler is Netanyahu. the closest analog to Germany is the US, with even less excuse. You are deceiving yourself Mopsy with your uncritical acceptance of US propaganda. look at a …

Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#15

No Mopsy that is not a genocide. that is a war. and Ukraine was not a besieged nation before the US took it over in 2014 and chose its leaders. Russia reacted exactly the way the US reacted during the…

Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#12

no they voted for the person who is resisted the US attempt to regain control of Russia, which it briefly had in the 1990's after the USSR dissolved. Putin is not "ruling with an iron fist". Russia do…

Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#11

oh poor moppsy, didn't see Navalny or his cheating wife get to run. btw you asked about my beliefs on climate change and the WEF. Climate change is real, and the WEF is a collection of globalists that…

Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#9

Oddly, the Russian people don't seem to agree with defenders of democracy who simply can't understand how Russians can support their own government.

Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#8

so astonishing, a popular wartime leader defending his country gets a high percentage of the vote. I seem to remember George Bush Jr getting 90% approval ratings during a war/genocide based on lies ab…

Off-Topic Discussion - When a protest goes too far...#48

I think genocide is precisely the correct word to use, or you could use the phrase "ethnic cleansing". It takes a while to kill or move a population of a couple of million.

Off-Topic Discussion - When a protest goes too far...#47

greentea I'm not talking about search engines. I'm talking about Israeli propaganda being disseminated at the most prestigious media organizations in the US, like the New York Times. Fox News is simil…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is Putin losing it?#3

no he is not losing it. realizing that the US is dangerously out of control as it loses yet another proxy war, this time in Ukraine, Putin is warning the US and NATO not to send in troops.

Off-Topic Discussion - When a protest goes too far...#41

hey greenteakitten this genocide isn't finished. how many Jews had been killed within 5 months after it started? let's at least attempt to make honest comparisons here, and not pretend a 10 year perio…
