
Conratulations to Putins scam election victory

I get that China, North Korea and countries with such regimes congratulated, they want to normalize such "elections".

More mysterious was India and Serbia.

I understand that the population of Serbia want good relations to the people of Russia. What I don't get how it can extend to the Russian regime. If you want a people to be happy you would want that government to be good. A government working for the good of the people. Nobody can believe that the criminal Putin and his criminals are good for the Russian people?

Please explain the reasoning. Do you want the people to be happy or terrorized by Putin?

Same for India.
I mean i don’t think the United States elections have been going much better.
@griffindabeast said in #2:
> I mean i don’t think the United States elections have been going much better.
not even in the same ballpark, but when parties start killing rival candidates, erasing congressional term limits, disqualifying all opponents who speak against them - and then miraculously getting 90% of the vote let me know!
@what_game_is_this said in #1:
> Please explain the reasoning. Do you want the people to be happy or terrorized by Putin?
> Same for India.

India is not a authoritarian regime, unlike russia, china, north korea etc..

india is a democracy, though there is corruption..
so astonishing, a popular wartime leader defending his country gets a high percentage of the vote. I seem to remember George Bush Jr getting 90% approval ratings during a war/genocide based on lies about wmd's. but i commiserate with those who did not get to see a nazi with 2% approval at best run in the Russian election because he died in prison after soliciting bribes to overthrow its government.

Also may I point out that Russia is not currently funding a genocide.
Oddly, the Russian people don't seem to agree with defenders of democracy who simply can't understand how Russians can support their own government.
@pretzelattack1 said in #9:
> Oddly, the Russian people don't seem to agree with defenders of democracy who simply can't understand how Russians can support their own government.

Except they have the same choice the Germans had in 1938, and shockingly, it turns out they also voted for the person who ruled them with an iron fist.

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