
Watch "I apologise to the whole Ukrainian nation" - former Russian army officer"

hey bfchessguy did you manage to check out the US (Reagan was the first) deciding to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the UN court because it didn't want to have to defend mining Nicaraguan harbors (another country we were not at war with). or do you only argue by emoji? you always trust the US government like this? why?
@pretzelattack1 said in #59:

> I see ...

And we see massive whatabout campaign from the beginning of full-scale invasion and not a single word about russia's crimes in Ukraine.
@pretzelattack1 said in #60:
> actually i prefer not to use hollywood as my go to source on history.

But you know as well as I do that more truth is told in Hollywood than in the Kremlin.

it wasn't, and isn't a full scale invasion. Russia is walking a tightrope, defending itself without giving an excuse to the crazy ideologues in Washington and NATO to panic into a nuclear response when this proxy war is lost. and it was in response to repeated threats to Russia, see the US response when the USSR attempted to put missiles in Cuba. a near nuclear war. and that too, was a response by the USSR to an earlier attempt to seize a strategic nuclear advantage by putting missiles in Turkey.

1. Vietnam was not a threat to the US; the Domino Theory was bs, Vietnam went communist and California did not fall, neither did any other countries.
2.Iraq was not a threat to the US, both wars were unnecessary, and the second one in particular was based on blatant lies about nonexistent wmd's.
3.Afghanistan was not a threat to the US, it wanted evidence before it handed over Bin Laden.
4.Libya was not a threat to the US, or France or any other members of the coalition that backed Al Quaida in order to take him out.
5.Russia was not a threat to the US, until this series of actions by the US, which controls NATO, to encircle it, a continuation of the Cold War strategy of containment. Russia did not instigate coups in Canada or Mexico in order to put factions hostile to the US in power, did not arm Mexico and Canada against the US, does not want to break up the US into individual states. These actions are all taking place on the other side of the world, and they have nothing to do with defending the US as a country.

read the Naked Capitalism article I've linked to regarding the political machinations in Washington around the attack on an ally's pipeline, and the astonishing subservience of Olaf Sholz. read the series by Seymour Hersh, which so far is being studiously ignored by the mainstream media in the US and apparently in a number of NATO countries, including Germany. I think there is a power struggle going on between factions in Washington, with the Pentagon on one side and the US State Department on the other (and probably Biden supports State at this point). these struggles for power between factions in Washington may be the last bulwark against an escalation into a nuclear war.

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