
self-immolation as a form of protest

@Dukedog said in #17:
> I remember seeing the self immolation of the buddahist monk in protest of the war in Vietnam. To be honest i do think it was a factor in turning American even more against the war and may have influenced the eventual withdrawl of US forces . It was a really horrific image broadcast on the evening news.
Now we have consumed so much media and depictions of violence - that I think it hardly phases people who see it through a screen.

But also, that monk was particularly zen as fuck - this guy was screaming and it was a disaster - the peace of that man in the face of pain and destruction is not something that comes so easily as the passion to do so in the first place.
Is it ok If I only burn one finger off?
Surely we can find a compromise !
Harming yourself is an immoral act. It's not something that should be normalised in any community, in all its forms.

@greenteakitten said in #19:
> I assume you have not read about Mr. Aaron Bushnell? Of all the people, I thought you would be one of the people calling him "martyr."
No I haven't read about him. He's right that Israel is a racist apartheid state and that "Indigenous people are not wrong for retaliating against colonisation". Those are Reddit posts it seems, so nothing to do with self immolation.
@greenteakitten said in #19:
> Sometimes I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're writing satire...
If I say I am serious, I am serious. "Dead serious" is an expression that means high levels of serious:

@WassimBerbar said in #12:
> Morality in society is deterioring. Come on, they should go to prison for harming themselves. I'm dead serious; harming yourself should be declared a federal crime.
On a grim note, its interesting to notice that suicide bombing has seemingly decreased in recent times (I mean relatively somewhat?) Is it that everyone who was willing to blow themselves up already did? People realized its not that good of an idea? Is it because electronics and equipment to set up remote detonations is more available now? Or has the shock factor worn off a bit due to it being so common place for awhile?
@WassimBerbar said in #24:
"Indigenous people are not wrong for retaliating against colonisation"

Not saying necessarily one thing or another, but I think the Israel situation really questions the notion of what defines indigenous? Because you can certainly argue that both parties involved are and aren't indigenous to the region to varying degrees depending on definitions.
@salmon_rushdie said in #27:
I'm saying he got the thing mostly right, because "indigenous" means "existing naturally or having always lived in a place; native". The Palestinians were the native inhabitants in the 20th century.

The Jews were welcome in Palestine, it's just, not in the matter they're currently doing it. You do not expect resignation and weakness when you're bombing a place filled with Palestinian civilians and torturing them through oppression.
@KNIGHT_c4 said in #22:
> Is it ok If I only burn one finger off?
> Surely we can find a compromise !
No. Even a finger. Come on, it's your finger, what reason do you have to burn your own body parts?
That's not really what I was saying though, I was just questioning what defined the term indigenous in that context

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