
self-immolation as a form of protest

@WassimBerbar said in #4:
> We live in a society where the seemingly only way to share a message that gets a big attention is to harm yourself.
Yeah, I've seen that one a lot. People setting themselves on fire typically get the most attention.
@LordSupremeChess said in #11:
> Yeah, I've seen that one a lot. People setting themselves on fire typically get the most attention.
Morality in society is deterioring. Come on, they should go to prison for harming themselves. I'm dead serious; harming yourself should be declared a federal crime.
@WassimBerbar said in #12:
> Morality in society is deterioring. Come on, they should go to prison for harming themselves. I'm dead serious; harming yourself should be declared a federal crime.
Nah, I'm gonna quote the priest from the movie "The Man In The Iron Mask", "If he truly wants to end his life, he's bound to find the opportunity one way or another"
I remember seeing the self immolation of the buddahist monk in protest of the war in Vietnam. To be honest i do think it was a factor in turning American even more against the war and may have influenced the eventual withdrawl of US forces . It was a really horrific image broadcast on the evening news.

lichess blocks all direct links to the Tube (perhaps to stop so much spam).

To reference a video there I think you should just say 'Google [title of the video]'
@WassimBerbar said in #12:
> Morality in society is deterioring. Come on, they should go to prison for harming themselves. I'm dead serious; harming yourself should be declared a federal crime.

Sometimes I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're writing satire...

I assume you have not read about Mr. Aaron Bushnell? Of all the people, I thought you would be one of the people calling him "martyr."
Speaking of Bushnell, I found this, but I have not yet fact-checked it:

"Bushnell [posted on Reddit]: 'Israel is a white supremacist, ethnonationalist, settler-colonial apartheid state... it has no right to exist,' Bushnell wrote on February 3, 2024. In an October 24, 2023, post, he appeared to condone Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, writing, 'Can you or I really say that Indigenous people are wrong for retaliating against colonizers who are rubbing their domination in their face?' "

Regardless of what he believed in, I believe he did have a lot of dedication - it's just that I wouldn't glorify self-immolation. It's not something that we should glorify in my opinion.

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