
Racing Kings Championship

Hello every body , an awesome match today between Alvarochess99 and airprint, a lot of decisive moments , a lot of fire , a lot of novleties moves , it was just a unforgettable show!!
It was obvious that the players were very nervous because there was a lot of easy chances to win for both and crazy blunders( like not taking a queen or miss mate in 3or......)How ever at the begging air print took the lead with 3 points for nothing ( although alvaro could easily win in game 2 and 3) and game 4 dropped from alvaro (A draw but it was for alvaro) and then eventually alvaro came back with a master piece( game 5) with a creative play and a 0 mistakes in game 6( although 6 was boring) and although he blundered game 7 ( easily winning for alvaro) the last 3 games he crushed air print to make the match one the most decisive matches ever, I think the most beautiful games are games 3 and 5 and 10 because they features a lot of novelties by both side
Game 3:

Game 5:
Hello every body , it is seems like a_47 is just unbeatable or he is a true magician, it is true that he is very good player but , mister kotov_syndrom missed a lot of chances for drawing or even winning,may be this not his luck day .
Game 5 could be easily drawn by kotov_syndrome ( if not winning) :
Game 7 was the most beautiful looking and was really critical :
Game 8 was the biggest chance for kotov_syndrome but he run out of time and I believe he could win it or at least draw it if there were more seconds in his
Hello every body, grainiac risky match was also not what it is look like , although grainiac crushes risky in games 4 and 5 and 6, but game 1 was an easy win for risky( simply because he was a queen up) game 2 featured a lot of blunders by both sides so any body could win it , and the most critical game 3 risky had the upper in that game but it was complicated to push for a win, and a blunder can be easily committed , and that what happened actually .
Welcome falconpower , welcome every body!!

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