
Trophy handing out tournaments

Hey there @Natso and @RoyalManiac.

I have this question coming up: Can you hand out trophies? If you can why not create one frequently ( by frequently I mean weekly or fortnightly not daily so please don't get offended ). I mean in yearly you could create one with a rather special trophy. Why am I posting this is that once in a year trophy is a bit long time to me ( only me mind you, a few have that patience ). I am thinking this is a better time for trophy arenas.

Please think about it

I hope I am not giving you a lot of work to do to arrange these arenas. I hope a few other people go with my idea. If yes thank you if no I still will tell you chose your opinion using your mind so not insulting you.

One last thing: I hope you don't get annoyed by my idea @Natso and @RoyalManiac as you might be thinking that a lot of RK players will have trophies making it unfair to other variants leaders or arrangers. I don't request to violate variants by favoring my own favorite. If you think system will be unbalanced or inconvenient please try out the following as a request:

> Talk it out with other variants leaders
>Decline my request

P.S. I am not giving you advice so please don't get irritated by my requests

Thank you for paying attention to this forum

Long Live RK
@Grandmastermate may be gone, but I'll answer the question regardless.

Lichess is currently supporting official trophies for top 100 players in the live rankings of, and unique trophies for the winners of a Variant World Championship. It's far from the first time that people have requested support for more trophies, but unfortunately this isn't happening in the near future.

The only alternative that could truly pull large player numbers is prize money. It's not something we currently have a willing sponsor for, and as a consequence it's been a bit quiet on the events front of Lichess Racing Kings.

Having said that, you are right that this team could use a more regular tournament schedule for everyone. We are aware of the matter and are still considering our options.

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