
Temporary ban for aborting games

> 4 second rule because it is the wrong way of thinking. I play a lot of racing kings and sometimes I create a game and wait a long

Okay for chess variants, where waiting may be frustrating, but for all standard chess, where you get rapidly opponents, I would reduce the current 30 sec, for example to 10 s

> How many aborts does it take to get the initial play-ban, and how long does that ban last? If I may ask... I didn't see an answer in the FAQ or Terms of Service.

Basing on my direct experience, say from 8 to 10, and the ban lasts about 30 minutes

> what about chess 960???

Yes, I like it very much. Fischer became someway paranoid about chess and cheating, probably he crated this variant for solving that ;-)

> You're being highly unreasonable. Assuming people are taking time at the 1st and 2nd moves (when it's pretty easy to play on your own without ever needing engine assistance) is straight up ridiculous

You misanderstood the sense: You set engine not for receiving support at the first stages, but for the prosecution of the match till the end


Sometimes I just like to take a few moments to decide what opening I’m going to use. I get bored of starting games the same way over and over again. And especially as black you often have to adjust your opening to white’s first move. I’m not one of those people that have all the common openings memorised, and I’m sure there are a lot of people like me.

I usually take 4, maybe 5 seconds to make my first move, why would that be indicative of me cheating?

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