
Suggestion: Record when draw offers are made

It appears the only permanent record when a player offers draw is in the Chat or Spectator room.

My understanding of FIDE rules is draw offers need to be noted on the sheet, but regardless I think it'd be handy to at least get an automatic note for when a draw has been offered (after whichever was the last move).

With genuine draw offers, I think it's very useful information when reviewing a game later (e.g., compare with Game 12 of the 2018 World Chess Championship) to see whether an offer & decline was the best move at the time.

The notation probably doesn't need to be complex nor in the move list itself - a simple "timestamp" (move number) of sorts in the Chat & Spectator room is probably enough.
Update: I've decided to just record draw offer details manually as I see them, using the Notes tab in the chat box area.
I second that idea, draw offers should include the move they were made on, that would be a useful feature.
I agree that the move that draw offers are made should be recorded. Add my vote too.

I believe there have been other posts about this recently.

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