
Everything you want to know about Lichess v2

Please test any future versions of Lichess offline first before
loading onto the server. We aren't guinea pigs.
@enfante It was tested online, where users could get to it and test it. They also explained that you need a modern browser. Your old version of Firefox needs updating as it's not supported by Lichess2 so you're at risk of suffering from visual artefacts and other problems with it.
RE: Visual artifacts:

Is there any reason then why all the controls e.g. clock and time remaining, the move list, the pieces taken,
and buttons including the one that takes you back to the tournament, are there for the 3-D board... but
not for the 2-D board?

A lot of the time, web programmers' code errors get passed off as, "oh, we're not supporting earlier browsers".
I've seen that enough times. Believe me, older browsers are a lot more robust, and if the code is correct,
will still work.
@Doofenshmirtz I, and many others cannot upgrade Firefox 52.9.0 as we have Windows Vista. AFAIK there are no browsers we can use which work with Lichess v2.
@piffle Windows Vista is not supported anymore. It's not safe (esp. if browsing the internet) so you should consider an upgrade of your OS.
you should probably update your operating system tbh. youre the only person left on earth using vista lol
While everything is not very convenient, playing chess is unbearable! I will not survive this! Return to normal, and modify this raw version.
I always thought the old interface showed a lot of white space on a large screen. So when I read about Lichess v2 I thought "good". But now that it's here, I'm underwhelmed. It's not showing more information, everything is just bigger. And further apart. If I go to a forum, I still see a list of the first 11 topics -- except now I have to scroll to see the 11th. When I think "bigger". I think "more items in a list" not "large fonts and lots of padding".

I'm not going to claim the site is unplayable. Resizing the board is trivial, and everything seems to be still there, and at the same place. It's just all a bit louder. But I won't need reading glasses for this site any time soon.

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