
Pawnstructures: Angry and disappointed Lichess Coach

Well.. I for one am happy that the admins are working hard on this, and being thoughtful about it. It took several years for any action to be taken I think.

For context: I had many positive reviews like 30 some, all legit. No negative reviews, (2 or 3 that I blocked from people that never even took a lesson). I noticed a few years ago that the system was being gamed to get on the top page, and had hoped for earlier action. Thank you to the lichess staff for being thoughtful and taking the time necessary to understand the problem and look for a solution.
Dr hack, the solution implemented here was removing all reviews collectively slapping all coaches in the face. It's like seeing a fly for the first time and launching a inter continental ballistic missile at it with a nuclear warhead instead of asking a fly veteran who would probably suggest a more subtle approach such as a flyswatter. No warning issued, no dialogue. Just push the delete button and the problem is gone.
Maybe a solution could be to require for every review a screenshot of the coach+the coached in a video call with the connected lichess account behind.

Quite troublesome and a dishonest coach could just use friends to add fake reviews - benefit is it would take some effort to fake.
But yeah since lichess is not truly a coaching site with the video and all, it's basically impossible to have a perfect solution.

Or maybe there could be a partnership with an actual coaching site to certify one user was coached or, some kind of invoice verification system, but that's also complex it would depends on how you guys are paid as coach.
@Pawnstructures said in #23:
> Dr hack, the solution implemented here was removing all reviews collectively slapping all coaches in the face. It's like seeing a fly for the first time and launching a inter continental ballistic missile at it with a nuclear warhead instead of asking a fly veteran who would probably suggest a more subtle approach such as a flyswatter. No warning issued, no dialogue. Just push the delete button and the problem is gone.

Note it’s not delete button and source code is open to look at. Maybe you can set up another Lichess enable reviews and host it yourself, after all Lichess is free/open source. Why complain where you can bring it back yourself :) maybe a site only for coaches and students where reviews are there on coach profiles!!
@Hitsugaya said in #24:
> Maybe a solution could be to require for every review a screenshot of the coach+the coached in a video call with the connected lichess account behind.
> Quite troublesome and a dishonest coach could just use friends to add fake reviews - benefit is it would take some effort to fake.
> But yeah since lichess is not truly a coaching site with the video and all, it's basically impossible to have a perfect solution.
> Or maybe there could be a partnership with an actual coaching site to certify one user was coached or, some kind of invoice verification system, but that's also complex it would depends on how you guys are paid as coach.

Well coach listing is a feature on Lichess so yeah
NoobMaster: Well, you are only thinking about yourself, Answer Not really i already stated im not a full time coach..
I think Lichess mods/devs have all rights to solve any problem they want in whatever way. Answer: Right communities without interaction works like that.
Note it's about use cases. Not every user on Lichess is a coach meaning less feature usage, Answer there was already a review function, if it aint broke don't fix it.
Also, since not all are coaches the percentage of fake reviews is obviously very high. Answer that line is not making any sense to me so i respectfully decline to comment.
Tracking reviews are not just that easy by filtering reviews by "hi" or "great coach" long well-written reviews can be fabricated by AI tools like GPT or by some sort of "wrong ways". Answer people are not that refined when faking reviews usually its some kid : hi i sent a positive review can you join my team"
All developers are chess players and obviously, we are not some crazy people who maintain the software for FREE and we don't know how to make decisions. Answer this latest decision speaks for it self.
I think you are missing the big picture here, and you can email Lichess to get all the student reviews you had. Answer im not expecting any kind of apology or going back to before this event however being able to get my reviews so i could download them would be a small gesture in the right direction.
So I don't think blaming the staff is the way here. Answer why not considering how it was handled? Do you even know how much time coaches devote here and how this affects their future income? Some coaces do this full time.
You can of course create your coaching site, and post all reviews there. Answer i did already.
You can also consider posting reviews within your coach description. There are many ways to solve a problem if you want :)
i tried to read all the posts for it. but did anyone mention for the data loss aspect whether asking lichess for own data, would include that type of data, even if not a live feature anymore?
Dboing, Admins told me it was possible. Better to just revert the decision but if it's one thing i learned about human nature is that people hate to admit when they are wrong so i doubt that would ever happen in this case..
@Pawnstructures Sounds - like they are wrong to erase everyone's achievemrnts/reviews for teaching ... While hunting down the ones that did get caught or should have & thrown them off the site for Violating Terms Of Service would seem to be the right action' OR at Least START VERIFIED Customer Reviews ONLY where ALL Reviews given have to be VERIFIED
@ThunderClap, in my opinion it's wrong since now students are not being given the responsibility of reading reviews and making up their minds if it's genuine or not. Reviews for the vast majority of prospective students is a key tool in choosing a coach, from the coach perspective a review is a receipt and stamp of quality that you might work many months before you get. If there is a problem with fake reviews ( obviously there is) I'm sure there are several small steps to slowly improving the situation. I don't believe in big changes in general. So far i haven't heard any sort of accountability from staff that maybe the decision to remove reviews was a slight overreach. Regards Richard

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