
Cheats, cronyism and Frankenstein's Monster.

I don't think that using such a full sign-up would solve many problems. Cheaters will always find ways around the system. Besides, how would you verify that users are providing the correct information?
They always say chess helps problem solving. Well I guess that's completely garbage.

Not one good suggestion in 12 pages. Sad tbh.
That's because cheating isn't actually a problem.
@Nadastar (from comment #47), @tangelo777 from comment #41 is here:
Sorry for late reply. I want to add that there are human players who consistently beat engines. You can easily find online some special openings that are very effective against chess engines.

See the articles:

I believe that Super GMs that play chess online (here, at, or elsewhere) consistently beat all the engines to maintain very high ratings.
Nonsense. The games you linked to were all 15 years old.

I dont know what you are talking about.
Human-computer chess is dead since years. Ever since Kasparov and Kramnik lost their matches against computers this issue is totally done.

Today even mobile phones are easily able to play at grandmaster level.

I think the problem is that some people think they really beaten an engine if they managed to beat some kind of throttled engine with beginner settings (like in fritz "drunken" or something like that, where the engine blunders horribly or suddenly plays pointless moves from time to time).

Best wishes

@Nadastar #116:

Actually, you can still have fun with computer chess.

1. Some modern engines don't leave pieces en prise above 1200 ELO. They only lose a tempo, they play the second or third best moves. The better engines also make the same mistakes, an ordinary player on that level would make.

2. You can buy an old chess computer and still have a chance to beat it.

3. Try to play at odds with an uncrippled engine. You can play a large number of interesting games after deleting the queen or a rook of the computer from the starting position. That's, what the old masters did in the 18th and 19th century, when they played a non-master.

the problem ist not that you can have fun with all kinds of crippled engines (or with odds). No question about that.

But there are people still thinking that a human should have a real chance against an uncrippled engine (and normally cheaters are using modern standard engines).

Thats not the case. You could have some chance if the cheater is not very skilled (taking too much time, unable to transfer the right moves...) but against the engine itself you are without a chance in a practical game.

Best wishes
@Nadastar #116:
Engines are not unbeatable. There is a famous golden Z trophy that ZugAddict received for the following game:
In the forums many other players post games where they beat Stockfish level 8 on various variants and time controls.
Could you please explain why there is no "rated" option for playing with a machine? I believe Stockfish should be rated like puzzles and all lichess players.

Thats exactly what I was talking about. People win against crippled engines (Stockfish level 1-8 on lichess for example) and think thats beating an engine.

No way, sorry!


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