
Cheaters are killing lichess : a systemic problem

I think the Liches could use more moderators, from different timezones so we could have them around the clock
blindfolded bullet tactics test
you get an image that disappears in one second or two
you need to memorize it and solve it in ur mind,
and then post the solution in text or keyboard.
if they are high rated players they should be able to do that
a good reputation system like they said on the first page.

if the problem is new accounts cheating so much, that's an easy fix, just need to cost new accounts more time before they play established, trusted players.

if cheaters have to play legit for 5+ hours just to cheat in 1 game and get caught and do it all over again, we'll see less of them.

so make provisional a stage where you don't really play established players?

just need to figure out what the right ratio is. how much non-cheating game time required to get out of provisional?

also could add to this system ways to detect people who are playing suspiciously during the provisional period and require a moderator to approve them before they get out of provisional.

it's not a perfect idea but maybe someone can perfect it.
they still can cheat though by capturing the image
but it will take some time to copy the position.
Maybe an official "centaur" category would siphon most of them away from the honest folks?

I think that adding a constraint (like soccer divisions) for playing tournaments will work good, for example, being registered for one month in lichess AND playing regularly.

This way, the cheaters will need to make an account, play normally and then after one month start the engine, sure, they will be able to do that but it requires far more effort than just registering today and crush everyone on some tournament and doing the same thing tomorrow. Creating 20 accounts today will require a tremendous effort of playing with all those accounts regularly....

This period (of one month) could be even be random, IE: if the user is suspicious enough in this month you could extend it.

And... you could even have tournaments for this people, so they can play anyways some tournament (IE: Newcomers weekly classic or whatever) if they cheat here, they will never reach the "first division tournaments"

What do you people think ?
I think thats a great idea, although the newcomers might leave because they can only get into the tounraments with other newcomers...
That has already been discussed but they did not implement it
almost a year ago, elvena,
its a good suggestion nevertheless

I also think they should create a subforum related with cheating concerns, as It gets repetitive after a while
so many threads about it.
I know lichess policy is about the report buttom, the fact is
people still complain publicly in the forum, and usually
they dont even bother to use the feedback one,
so It might be better to create a subforum for cheating engine, prevention, discussion etc
also there could be a subforum for other concerns as well
I just dont understand why there are only two, general chess discussion and analysis forum.
If you use the search function and write "cheating"
u have 2392 posts
thats enough data to have a separate forum in my opinion.
And for most players like me, We dont find cheaters when We play maybe its because I dont play tournaments,
or maybe its because my rating is low so I think that the cheating complain is an exaggeration.
seriously I hardly believe there are that many cheaters when most of the games I face are full of mistakes,
how many times do you find a cheater?
Once every a hundred games, eighty, two hundred ...

Also I think there should be a search option in the profile
where you can select the number of, inaccuracies blunders mistakes etc
this is an option that I needed for the sake of analysis,
I was wondering how many 0 0 0 games I had
but It can also be a good option to detect cheaters
although I dont care about that type of stuff, I think It should be implemented
I drew a cheater once with a 000 game I posted in the forum weeks or months ago, which later was banned.

Also I think one has to have pretty good skills at chess, to cheat otherwise is easy to recognize
but then if one is already good at chess, why would one cheat?
so I maintain my opinion that cheating concern is an exaggeration.
I support restricting tournaments in some way to prevent very new accounts from participating.

It should probably be based on a combination of number of games played, and time passed since registration.

Titled players should be excepted.

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