
Israeli Forces Fire on Palestinian Civilians Amid Aid Delivery Chaos

@m011235 said in #9:
> A genocide in "slow" motion and in broad daylight. With the full complicity of the West.
Not correct.
1. Genocide, this term is up for debate, but there are grounds for such accusations. Independent investigations needs to take place.

2. "Full complicity of the West" This is incorrect.
Most "western" nations, (personally I dislike the term "western") especially European nations are opponents of Israels Gaza campaign.
They dont approve Israels actions. Neither with the current intrusion into Gaza, or their continued settlements into the West Bank.

@WassimBerbar said in #10:
> I don't understand though how one can obey a command to kill infants. This is savage.
Netanyahu never gave such command.
Nore are there any indenpent reports showing such actions taking place in Gaza.
I never liked him, but let's not call every beast we see a demon. Sometimes a beast is just a beast.

Israel is an independent nation.
Condamnation alone is not enough. I agreed.
But hopefully sanctions on Israel will take place and help halt, this half thought out war between Israel and the authoritarian Gaza regime Hamas.

I condemn Israel for their overzealous response.
And they need to answer for it.
But simultaneously, Hamas can not continue to be in control over Gaza. Never again.
However, invasion was never the correct or proper cause.
This gives us an idea of what will follow in future. What came after Al Qaeda?

If this settlers extremists' government manage to pretend they got rid of Hamas what will follow?

I wonder why this time it would not be worse.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #11:
> Most "western" nations, (personally I dislike the term "western") especially European nations are opponents of Israels Gaza campaign.
> They dont approve Israels actions. Neither with the current intrusion into Gaza, or their continued settlements into the West Bank.

This is just not true. As a Western European, I don't know any EU government openly calling for real sanctions (or anything other than cheap talking) against pre-2023 Israeli unlawful (as stated by IHL) actions.

Even now, except for a few minor actors, their only relevant response has been cutting UNRWA funding after a dubious accusation from Israel.
I won't say who I'm voting for, but Palestinian and Israeli are both wrong, why just hurt each other, It's their government's fault, not the people! There just trying to live a happy life with their families! And, why do people try to destroy that happiness?
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #11:
> Hamas can not continue to be in control over Gaza. Never again.

Because condition n. 1 to rule Palestine is being passive in front of Israel agressions? Come on, Hamas won the fair election and we boycotted them from minute 1, without even giving a chance.

And yet, things in the Fatah-ruled West Bank have gone from bad to worse, so what is the message?
@HeckerIGH said in #14:
> I won't say who I'm voting for, but Palestinian and Israeli are both wrong, why just hurt each other, It's their government's fault, not the people! There just trying to live a happy life with their families! And, why do people try to destroy that happiness?

As an experiment, read the same, but instead of Palestinian and Israeli say Ukrainian and Russian.
oh now the US will airdrop some aid to ameliorate the damage caused by the massive aid and weapons it sells to Israel. The truth is Biden is feeling the pressure so he comes up with some cosmetic bs to help his pr campaign.
bfchessguy the US is funding a genocide in Israel, and constantly helps Israel lie about it. see the New York Times smear on the so called mass sexual assaults committed by Gaza. It is now having to deal with massive internal criticism of its blatant violation of journalistic norms. the NYT is nothing but a spokesman for the US government on these kinds of issues.
@HeckerIGH said in #14:

not sure the occupied territories or gaza had happy lives for a long while before this blood spilling frenzy and humanity self-censorship**

War wheel: prerequisite. prevalent supremacist subconscious or hinted enough undercurrent on either side of oppressor or under the foot culture or set of individuals. Can't we look back ages some, and let critical thinking or doubt interact with some iota of empathic hypotheses outside of this despairing trajectory. persecuted-opperssore circular or destructive self comforting moral spiral (spiral if huge imbalance, where might that be... but on the whole earth history, it seems to have been circular in our ways, but another type of spiral desctruction from humans subset to the rest of the biossphere.). I am using weird clininal or scientific jargon in hope not be be classified by reflex, from those stuck in the loops I am getting so tired and exasperated to see so strong and growing and persisting. I want to cry, but no more juice. This is not just an israeli-palestinian thing. This is the last dissonant moral stance we keep pushing through time. The holocaust not having been really understood for its mechanisms before and its humanity as a whole lessons. We should have looked at before, the whole sociology and population self brainwahsing consenting mechanisms, and the manipulations from few of them,etc.. Idk. i am just one person. But it seems there are patterns that were not ever studied. Perhaps no funding entity would see the profit or need for their own tribe.

so the basic individual just war psychological hypotesis.. **

mental exception required to not see a fellow human anymore for any cultural reason, we can be so good at it, when in perceived or real adversity: famine, war, economic strangling's, dépossession, etc.. will do the brainwashing with eager consenting on that territory doing the necessary vilification, and the memory across generation seem to last also beyond the actual social group "injury" or continued ethnic cleansing or other, kind of a general pattern, I you ask me, no culture on earth having the monopoly of the most valued persecuted in its right to keep the crap for all onto all going).

recipe for more of the same written for eternity religion amplified crap. for ages and ages. procreate. makes lots of babies to farm or conquer the land of the miscreants (anyone not your culture, the one expanding unified under pyramidal model of governance, top down).

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