
Playing chess with russians?

How many folks choose not to play them as a sign of support for Ukraine?

Just curious.
They think that Putin will change his mind if his people are shunned. But you know what? He doesn't care about the people. Otherwise he would have never started this war.
A better question: How many decent people choose not to play russians as a sign of support for Ukraine?
That's obscene, Shadow.

We are faced with daily threats of Nuclear war by this psychopath Putin, and he is just making a suggestion. You can disagree with it all you want but indirectly calling him or labelling him as "Indecent" for his idea is not at all appropriate.
@LegendaryQueen said in #4:
> We are faced with daily threats of Nuclear war by this psychopath Putin, and he is just making a suggestion. You can disagree with it all you want but indirectly calling him or labelling him as "Indecent" for his idea is not at all appropriate.

I agree.
And I mean - @Shadow1414 - if you want to believe that I am indecent, then you don't understand. I don't shun away from Russian players. But when I play them, I more commonly see them abort the game because of my Ukraine flag.
And if you are not talking about me, I still think that that is mean to say about them - Even if I don't exactly agree with the practice either.
Do you really think Russian soldiers have lichess accounts? Do you think innocent Russian chess players have participated in the war? Putin is the one responsible for this butchery.

And even international players are not making the difference between a solder and a chess player. Not playing against a Russian opponent doesn't forcefully mean a sign of support to Ukraine. Stop this russianism, please.
Why stop it "Stop this russianism" Wassim. Seems like a modest protest.
I don't think you should really care about the nationality of your opponent at all. Afterall, your country might as well has done something bad at some point - and simply judging on this is very prejudical. To add to that we have to remember that most russians are A) brainwashed by propaganda and B) apparently not as loyal to the country as people make them out to be (but who can fault them civilians - I too would do anything to not be drafted into a war). Remember: Putin is more of a dictator than a president.
However, if you play against someone who constantly advocates for war and is really deep down (i.e. brainwashed to support Putin's agenda), then you might block this person or even report them. However, this is your choice - in case you are curious, no, I don't do that (and probably won't start doing that anytime soon - but others love to block people). Besides, resigning seems to be the worst option, as you quickly give 'em the rating they want without putting up a fight.
My 2 cents, make of them what you want.
It's just a dang comment.
Other people have said why they dislike it. Can you act like something other than flocking birds for one moment?
Do you have to repeat what others have said ad nauseum?
Can you allow one single thread not to blow up into an endless warfare?

Lichess made the decision not to do anything like banning Russian players, and it was the right call to do so, in the end.
That has become very clear.
If you feel anger or something about the fact that this is going on Speak against the people who are perpetuating it.
Don't turn this place (or turn it into again) a place of seagulls, flocking and attacking, flocking and attacking.

Stop flocking! For God's sake! It truly truly truly ABSOLUTELY isn't that hard!
This is so short ranged, almost blind - it reminds how majority of Russians voted for putin in 2015th with arguments like "good photo on horse, this cute girl says putin is great", "he returned Crimea what a macho"

No attempts to overthink, to plan, to understand depths. No attempts to realise that Crimea return creates a fuse for possible explosion.

Foe example, every person who left Russia may be -1 conscripted, may be +1 saved Ukrainian life?
Even if this person responsible, this may still be correct to support and even help them.
It may even be +1 tax payer and ally on your side with background check.
Lets's not skip here that if this person responsible, he will create next disaster on new place. IF.

And there are at least 15 million people in Russia who were actively trying to prevent this years after years. Who first protested somewhere at 2012. Who don't have Ukrainian blood on hands.
By the way most of them struggling to leave before mandatory conscription will happen.

Is it good idea to ban them? We are all deep monkeys, and monkey need a tribe to associate with. Just recall school years when this is most on surface.
If a person locked in Russia and all world bans him, which tribe do you think he will join?
Let's skip hero's and bravest, this is real world.

I'm not saying that ban is incorrect - honestly not sure. Don't know how to fix this, how to ensure justice which is so nessesary.
But lack of depth and reasons and planning does creates darkest outcomes, did created current situation.

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