
salute to the soldiers of Ukraine!

I wrote, we need to give russia 20% of your country. This would certainly make a peace. I'm sure putin will approve it. Just give russia more land, it's such a small country and russians are such peaceful people.
@Alex_1987 said in #11:
> I wrote, we need to give russia 20% of your country. This would certainly make a peace. I'm sure putin will approve it. Just give russia more land, it's such a small country and russians are such peaceful people.

If you can reach a better diplomatic victory, achieving less sacrifice - then let that be your goal. However, the clock is ticking, and I fear a dooms-day scenario playing itself out.
@Approximation said in #12:
> If you can reach a better diplomatic victory, achieving less sacrifice - then let that be your goal. However, the clock is ticking, and I fear a dooms-day scenario playing itself out.

Right. So what country are you? We will write a petition to putin right now, so he can peacefully invade you and we all will finally live in a better new world.
@Alex_1987 said in #13:
> Right. So what country are you? We will write a petition to putin right now, so he can peacefully invade you and we all will finally live in a better new world.

Peace deal, first. Then will discuss about trading my personal land for Putin.

I'm more concerned about keeping Putin honest in whatever deal he signs, so that the peace is lasting and trusted, by United Nations standards.

And, moreover, If he is happy living here, living under world rules, and no personal power as a citizen only with voting influence, and the world would compassionately accept me with a Yang Freedom dividend and opportunity for the American dream - I'd gladly consider making that trade instead of WW3!

Consider that, a diplomatic pawn sacrifice.
@Approximation said in #14:
> Peace deal, first. Then will discuss about trading my personal land for Putin.

This IS a peace deal. We will trade your country for peace (at any costs). Will it work? I am sure, yes! At least we should try! Consider it the best diplomatic option.

I think you don't understand some basic things. Your conception of peace at any costs with "diplomatic sacrifices" to aggressor is exactly what led to WW2. And what will lead to WW3.
@Alex_1987 said in #15:
> This IS a peace deal. We will trade your country for peace (at any costs). Will it work? I am sure, yes! At least we should try! Consider it the best diplomatic option.
> I think you don't understand some basic things. Your conception of peace at any costs with "diplomatic sacrifices" to aggressor is exactly what led to WW2. And which will lead to WW3.

How about instead of a peace deal sacrifice of land to the aggressor, instead we reach a peace deal marriage of people and land? The larger the marriage of countries in the world, with voting rules applied, and a United Nations, style of governance - the better the peace deal is. So, as Russia makes territory gains, it loses influence, based on the world's population, and voting.
@Approximation said in #16:
> How about instead of a peace deal sacrifice of land to the aggressor, instead we reach a peace deal marriage of people and land? The larger the marriage of countries in the world, with voting rules applied, and a United Nations, style of governance - the better the peace deal is. So, as Russia makes territory gains, it loses influence, based on the world's population, and voting.

I read it several times. And still did not get your genius proposition.
So your plan look to me: we give Ukrainian lands to russia -> ??? -> PROFIT!!!
Wtf is the marriage deal you are talking about? What's the reason to mention such a useless bullshit as United Nations? Are you russian, btw?
@Alex_1987 said in #17:
> I read it several times. And still did not get your genius proposition.
> So your plan look to me: we give Ukrainian lands to russia -> ??? -> PROFIT!!!
> Wtf is the marriage deal you are talking about? What's the reason to mention such a useless bullshit as United Nations? Are you russian, btw?

How does the United Nations operate? Does it allow or promote war? No, its a diplomatic forum, advocating peace! The idea of "marriage" I am expressing is a 'Death until you part' peace deal, enforced by consquences of the body of countries around the world, and is allowing even small countries to vote on matters. A country might individually go against the UN body, but its not smart to do so on a war basis, based on the peaceful coliation of all the other countries, who would enforce the binding contract.
Oh yes, I remember! After the war began in 2014 with annexation of Ukrainian Crimea a lot of countries were "deeply concerned". Even more, some of them were even unbelievably "Gravely concerned". What a great sign of support! And how useful!
UN made a couple of nice resolutions which showed "isolation of russia", "support of Ukraine" and called for "peaceful solution". I am sure, a couple more resolutions like that will finally stop putin! He will be too scared by toothless demagogues, because they can suck him to death after all!
Funny thing, League of Nations was able to kick Germany out. Something which modern UN will never be able to do.
Also, let me remind you that russia was one of the guarantors of Ukraine's integrity and safety. But I am sure, now, when we give them more territories, they will finally go back to international laws. Great plan overall!

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