
Is Putin losing it?

Something tells me that it would happen long ago if it was a real solution for them.
As per the reactions to my post #10, there seems to be two categories of people who think that WWIII is a laughable prospect: 15 year old, and those who think the cartoon "Peanuts" is a source of valuable political insight.

And no, these are not the same people.
@Aluminium-27 said in #12:
> Something tells me that it would happen long ago if it was a real solution for them.

It's a great solution for Russia, but a danger to Putin's dictatorship for him to show weakness.
@thenceforth said in #10:
> A direct confrontation would mean starting WWIII, and once WWIII has started, it's only a matter of time before we nuke each other... which in turn would lead to the total destruction of civilization, and possibly of Mankind.
OR... we could all just go back to being cavemen and surviving off nature! Therefore allowing coexistence! Isn't that a great idea? No nukes, no wars, just sticks and bows.
<Comment deleted by user>
@thenceforth has a point.

And let us hope Russia is not foolish or suicidal enough to attack a NATO member. At that point, many could be drawn directly into the conflict.

Remember World War I? It seems as if it were just yesterday.

A web of alliances turned tension in the Balkans, far away from America and even Britain, into tens of millions of the dead.

This time, a world war would make "tens of millions" seem like a lucky discount.

By the way, living in a cave isn't as delightful as some seem to think. Even if it is, admittedly, "living." In the event of a world war, most wouldn't even be lucky enough to do that. Remain living, I mean.
@Noflaps said in #17:

The idea is that people remember those wars and actively shape geopoltics to not repeat them, hence all of the wars in the last 80 years being at most proxies between major powers - and never escalating into mass conflicts. (which is a pretty long time by historical precedent) - - Europe being a singular bloc with the US is enough dissuasion that no one would dare attack them.

If Europe was a few countries in small alliances like it was in WW1 (or even 2) - then yes that's atmosphere for war.

I think, as long as Russia remains rational in their analysis - this war actually lowers chances of further escalation - because Russia is having a hard time against Ukraine as it is, any delusion that they could fight NATO head on has completely gone from their minds now.
@salmon_rushdie , your good faith attempt to quote me in your post #18 failed to show my words. So I do not know which of my words in post #17 you were referencing, when you went on to offer your own opinion. I point this out merely to prevent confusion to others, not to complain.

You say: "...because Russia is having a hard time against Ukraine as it is, any delusion that they could fight NATO head on has completely gone from their minds now."

Not a bad hope, and indeed I hope that you are right. I agree that such a view by Russia would certainly be rational. And, as you do, I believe, I hope that Russia remains rational.

The fate of our species may rely on that very rationality. More than ever before, world war now amounts to madness.
@Mopman said in #1:
> "Is Putin losing it?"
Are you talking about his brain or something else?

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