
Convert me

The sun and the solar system spawned around 4.5 billion years ago. That's an evident undeniable fact.

There's a point at which we can't see further in the past, but it's definitely nowhere like all the myths created from human ignorance.
@pinchpinpong said in #60:
> It is not that garbage can you believe in that interest me, rather why you choose that garbage can as creator of life and universe etc as they say.

Why doesn’t matter. The question is, do I determine who and what god is, or does He determine Himself? If I can make god be whoever I want, then i essentially am god. If everyone can do that, then god would have to conflict within himself just to exist. This philosophy never works because not all things can be true at once.
@Cedur216 said in #61:
> The sun and the solar system spawned around 4.5 billion years ago. That's an evident undeniable fact.
> There's a point at which we can't see further in the past, but it's definitely nowhere like all the myths created from human ignorance.

You have a solid point, there are no proofs but archeologic buildings and structures and asteroids remaining pointing to a divine. The Islam, and I'm not say this is the last revelation, it might maybe answer your question? The question of why we don't see any miracles today or God himself? In fact we see them.
@dstne said in #62:
> Why doesn’t matter. The question is, do I determine who and what god is, or does He determine Himself? If I can make god be whoever I want, then i essentially am god. If everyone can do that, then god would have to conflict within himself just to exist. This philosophy never works because not all things can be true at once.

Proofs are far beyond 2k years of Jezus's birth.
@Cedur216 said in #61:
> The sun and the solar system spawned around 4.5 billion years ago. That's an evident undeniable fact.
> There's a point at which we can't see further in the past, but it's definitely nowhere like all the myths created from human ignorance.

what evidence do you have that the sun spontaneously spawned? 4.5 billion years ago? what makes it an evident undeniable fact?
@Shadowwolf600 said in #65:
> what evidence do you have that the sun spontaneously spawned? 4.5 billion years ago? what makes it an evident undeniable fact?
Carbon age study, as the whole solar system exist of all alike maters.
The same matters you find on earth you find on other planets in this solar system and thus their age define the age of the sun.
I made a burrito. I made I pretty good too, it had everything that was needed for it to properly be called a burrito. Then, I left it on the counter. Some dude comes along and says

“That’s a nice burrito, I wonder who made it. Probably the light bulb up there”

Then another dude comes along. He’s dressed formally and looks very nice. He says

“No, you’re wrong. Obviously, the burrito just appeared 4.5 billion years ago, and eventually by chance formed into what it is now.”

Then the I come back and say that I made the burrito. Both of the dudes look at me and say

“No, you couldn’t have”

The end.
That dude is wrong. deep dive in Physics please. The origin of the grain to make that burrito and the flame and the components to put it on are all same matter.
what i believe is that God made the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars. with his voice around 6,000 years ago.

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