
Conratulations to Putins scam election victory

@Mopman said in #50:
> @Cassiodorus1 About your source The New Atlas propaganda from Bangkok ( funded by Moscow )
> "It appears that the modus operandi of both New Atlas and ATNN is to cherry-pick or manipulate information in order to arrive at extremely dubious conclusions that are solely intended to traduce and undermine Western governments and agencies.
> Neither the New Atlas nor ATNN provide any information regarding their own backers or funding, but ATNN’s homepage displays the logo of a media organisation called New Eastern Outlook, which is based in MOSCOW. Therein, perhaps, lies a clue."
> from the nationthailand press
It looks like you did a lot of research to expose these cunning Russians)

And I tried to watch this video, and you know - there’s some guy right from the very beginning declare that he wrote an article for the New Eastern Outlook and is going to read this article here.
And if you go to YouTube, it turns out that under this video there are many links - apparently to the materials used in the article. Including the results of a Levada Center survey. And the very first link is to an article in NEO.
@Mopman said in #50:
> @Cassiodorus1 About your source The New Atlas propaganda from Bangkok ( funded by Moscow )

Yeah, I just love it when people from the most propagandized nation in the world tell us that other sources are "funded by Moscow." Remember that year and a half or so when all of the Comcast stations told you Ukraine was going to win the war against Russia? Remember Russiagate?

I have yet to see a criticism of this video that actually checks Brian Berletic's claims for their truth or falsehood.

And here it must be noted that most of the rhetoric about the evils of Putin comes from people who tell us that Ukraine is a "democracy," when in fact Zelensky has banned all of the left-wing parties and the male population of many of their cities hides every day from the public for fear of being press-ganged into a war they're losing.

As for that portion of the audience which might actually check statements of fact, here's a thought: Do you all remember September 2001, just after the World Trade Towers collapsed, when George W. Bush's favorability rating was 85%? So, yeah, that's what you're seeing today in Russia. They're winning the war and the Russian economy is strong. Sure, it's authoritarian. Would I want to live there? No. But it is what it is.
@Cassiodorus1 said in #52:
> Yeah, I just love it when people from the most propagandized nation in the world tell us that other sources are "funded by Moscow." Remember that year and a half or so when all of the Comcast stations told you Ukraine was going to win the war against Russia? Remember Russiagate?
> [...] Sure, it's authoritarian. Would I want to live there? No. But it is what it is.

Maybe you'd like to work there?
@pretzelattack1 said in #8:

> Also may I point out that Russia is not currently funding a genocide.
Ironic thing, is that the land that Russia is trying to annex, has a large % of Russians ethnically because of the Holodomor genocide in the 1920s - and the expulsion of the crimean tartars... all of which were replaced by Russian settlers.

So in some senses they're back to take advantage of the genocide they committed 100 years ago.
All I know is that I'm being lied to ALL the Effing time by almost everyone who wants something out of me, or wants me to believe in something.

But I know this as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Vladimir Putin and his quest to reform the territory of Tsarist Russia must be frustrated. The rules based international order that has existed since WWII, and that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union is essential. No nation must be allowed to redraw the global map by dint of arms alone. Russia can't be allowed the conquest of Ukraine, and likewise China must be denied the forcible reintegration of Taiwan into the PRC.

The World is bipolar once more, the West led by the American Hegmony versus the Chinese Axis, which includes a subservient Russia.

Let's see how long before the next world war,...
@Paris_Nicolaides said in #55:
> All I know is that I'm being lied to ALL the Effing time by almost everyone who wants something out of me, or wants me to believe in something.

And so what follows this statement is the propagandistic echo the Western press exudes after having been coached by the neoconservatives in power in the US and in much of Europe. In other words, more lies.

> But I know this as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Vladimir Putin and his quest to reform the territory of Tsarist Russia must be frustrated.

The problem is that you have no evidence that this is the case about Vladimir Putin outside of the rhetoric of the reckless "leaders" of the US, the UK, and other bastions of elite idiocy. Nor is there any possibility the West would "frustrate" him if that were in fact the case. They can't even, with their combined powers, match Russia in the production of 135mm artillery shells, not by a long shot.

> The rules based international order that has existed since WWII, and that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union is essential. No nation must be allowed to redraw the global map by dint of arms alone. Russia can't be allowed the conquest of Ukraine,

And how, precisely, is this going to happen? What is in fact going to happen is that Russia is -- eventually, in a few years, with significant amounts of advance warning -- going to conquer maybe two-thirds of Ukraine, leave the rest to whomever wants it, and there will be nothing NATO can do short of World War III to stop this. And the little boys and girls who run NATO have no idea of what to do, because to sue for peace would mean that they would have to admit that they sent 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths for nothing.

So are you suggesting World War III, a nuclear war, with all sides emptying their arsenals and extinguishing Earth's larger life forms including the human species, to save face for the little boys and girls in charge? Nobody really wants that.

> and likewise China must be denied the forcible reintegration of Taiwan into the PRC.

There's actually nothing to this besides the paranoid fantasy that has US Special Forces currently stationed 1.5 miles off the coast of mainland China.

> The World is bipolar once more, the West led by the American Hegmony versus the Chinese Axis, which includes a subservient Russia.

No. What's going on is the last gasps of a dying empire.
@bfchessguy said in #53:
> Maybe you'd like to work there?

What I'd like is to have my country back. Currently it's full of people who chant "Russia! Russia! Russia!" while AIPAC, an arm of Israel, is in full control of its political class.
congratulations to propagandists of all stripes, shapes, colours and sizes. You've collectively won my indifference towards your various causes.

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