
The overall level has risen!?

I think so. I mean it's still overrated but the trend goes backwards, right?
What is overrated?
Strange topic ... just an exclamation without any reference @Sarg0n ...
Overrated compared to FIDE or other servers/pools.

Even so, the percentiles are rising. The same rating but higher percentiles means...
Dont you think it just has changed. As people have nowadays more accsess to openings and do mostly that. Middlegame and Endgame still is really weak at my level (1700-1800)...
Oh so that's why my rating hasn't improved, I knew it!

I have noticed a definite rise post-pandemic but for the last few months I'm not sure, and since I don't play elsewhere I can't compare.

Maybe in blitz the competition seems fiercer, but not in bullet.
@Tschesslee said in #5:
> Dont you think it just has changed. As people have nowadays more accsess to openings and do mostly that. Middlegame and Endgame still is really weak at my level (1700-1800)...

People have access to openings since ages, it doesn't mean they're learning them... unless I'm doing it all wrong!
I was just pointing at the percentiles. I haven’t played at it has risen to 0.993 in the Blitz pool. It used to be lower.

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