
Rating inflation. It is hard to think that my level is grown

Hello everyone!
It seems to that rating depreciates.
I played chess for a long time and my rating always was between 1500-1600 since the foundation of Lichess. But last half of the year I have increased it by 200 pts.
When I am seeing back most of the players have the same situation.
What do you think about its reasons?
Maybe Lichess was filled with more new players that have less level at chess, wasn't it?
Hello vic25. Lichess rating is not the same as over the board or fide rating. Lichess rating is usually higher because pool of players is weaker on this site compared to the real life. What I noticed and what is interesting is that ratings of all players on lichess improved a little bit I would say. If I remember good, few weeks ago I had rating around 1940 and I was better than 92% of the players and today I am 1958 and better then 90% of the players.
lotsof new players coming in and they on average weaker than average established population, this inflate ratings
A lot of people in the 1500-1650 area, recently have less then 30 games on their account...Probably due to the fact that everyone in the world is under lock down. #Covid-19

The 1500-1600 field is very random right now and you end up playing people are very good and people who just happens to have won a few games that will eventually get placed much lower on the elo bracket. So eventually the system will work its self all ELO or MMR systems it takes quite a statically significant amount of games to place you correctly.

I'd say this makes up of 50%+ of my games right now....
Also.. @harmlesschessnub Your progress over the last few months has been RIDICULOUS! I wouldn't believe it, except I was there watching and I know the stuff you did to make that happen. Big congrats man!
Thibault purposefully made rating inflate a few months back to get 1500 as the 50 percentile rating.

I'm not sure what's going now, but 1500 is 41% in the blitz elo graph and the 50% point is around 1575.
To ease the burden of coronavirus on lichess, the rating reserve has to decided to release more liquidity into the pool. Players 1500 or under will be eligible for 200 point stimulus. Those with ratings 2400 or above will have losses limited to 100 points per week.

@Spasoje93 Where did you come to this conclusion that people who are on this site are weaker than those in real life, and the ratings are inflated? Explain in detail.

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