
Search "user:Willem-II"

78 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Searching for a simple line for black!#4

@Brian-E gives an interesting approach. The sequence generally goes: 3...b6 4.c3 Qd7, then Black can follow up with ...Ba6.

General Chess Discussion - Why is that games with more rated people is both more interesting and simpler?#2

Almost by definition, games by stronger players follow a more or less logical course from one phase of the game to the next, and games of weaker players follow more or less illogical sequences contain…

Correspondence League - 7th Correspondence Cup - Games Thread#154

Correspondence 7th Cup, Round 4:

General Chess Discussion - I challange you to try to refute the Smith morra gambit, the winner gets happiness.#4

White just gets his usual initiative versus the Sicilian, but with a pawn less. Here are some interesting comments from GMs and an IM in the San Antonio tournament book: In his notes to the game Smith…

General Chess Discussion - How do masters defend the Bishops opening?#2

After 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4, then 2...Nf6 is the usual and most direct line, attacking the e4-pawn. Black then needs to be prepared a few variations (and be aware that a lot of transpositions are possible): (…

General Chess Discussion - White Opening?#9

You could build a solid, reliable repertoire with 1.e4, with perhaps variations along these lines (there are many other good ones you'll discover in your explorations!): First: remember that "your onl…

General Chess Discussion - How to improve chess psychology#4

Here is a simple, effective, healthy solution: for at least 10 minutes prior to playing: practice zazen (meditation). The deep, controlled breathing alone will help to calm your nerves and get in in a…

General Chess Discussion - What is the best first move d4 or e4#27

The openings deriving from 1.d4 and 1.e4 are equally sound, and players of all styles can craft a repertoire from either move. You'll find that 2700+ players employ both against other 2700+ players mo…

General Chess Discussion - I regret choosing Ponziani as my go-to opening as a begginer - recommendations?#14

I think there is a lot of good advice from the folks on this thread, but I've been leaning towards answering the way does in #13. The Scotch might be the easiest tran…

General Chess Discussion - Which time controls help you improve the most and which ones don’t.#20

There are a lot of good ideas here, but I do want to highlight's comment (#14). I've been playing correspondence almost exclusively for about two years -- but limit m…
