
Search "user:MentalFugues"

878 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Name changing#11

@Ender88 said in #10: > I am really curious to know why this choice. > I have the gut feeling that the Lichess development teams is made of very competent and skilled people. > I have seen the compres…

Lichess Feedback - Is there a limit of the number of games that can be analyzed per day in lichess?#2

The best answer I have seen to this question (and the numbers still hold true) was previously given by a moderator here: >Analysis limit changes…

Lichess Feedback - Will closing an account fully remove my name from the games I played?#7

@QueenRosieMary said in #3: > To answer your question, if someone searches your username after you close your account, all they will see is "This account is closed" but former opponents will still be …

Lichess Feedback - Someone I reported was banned but I did not get rating refunded#2

Hmm, from what I can see (and assuming they were "banned" for what you reported them for), there are a couple of reasons you did not receive a refund. Basically the 40 game rule and your provisional s…

Lichess Feedback - What came first lichess or chess?#3

@kit_kat1122 said in #2: > Put it together Like a sandwich.

Lichess Feedback - Is KB still banned?#10

See here:

Lichess Feedback - Is this a glitch?#2

After white's move 37, 39, and 41 the position is identical. Threefold refers to position not moves. All is fine here. See here for more:

General Chess Discussion - how many books does chess grandmasters have?#2

@Cs1xlly said in #1: > ofc im not planning to buy same amount of books that gm have or anything, i just want to know. If books matter, reading them matters more than buying them. Seems obvious but man…

General Chess Discussion - Coaching my brother for a tournament, can I use the analysis board with engine in casual match?#2

Using a chess engine is not permitted for games against humans or bots regardless of whether they are casual or rated. See here for more:

Lichess Feedback - 0 second error#3

@sheckley666 said in #2: > He had 0.03 seconds left. True. >Everything is fine. One can dream.
