
Search "user:Dionysus_god"

2707 forum posts
Game analysis - Newbie - Where did it all go wrong#6

Very important advice for beginners from Ocean here: You must look at not only what you yourself can play, but what your opponent can play in response and/or what moves they can make in general that l…

General Chess Discussion - Philosophy of Chess#16

@Paulcarrero Looks like you've read Camus' "Le Mythe de Sisyphe". Of course chess can be seen in any light you wish, including Camus' conception of the absurd, and the absurd hero, but this is only du…

General Chess Discussion - Philosophy of Chess#13

In my view, the philosophy that is most applicable to chess is Existentialism, except chess has systems. Every move carries weight, and what you bring to the board is what materializes (Life/chess is …

Lichess Feedback - Where to go if you think a puzzle is unfair? And crashing issue-#1

I've been inactive in the community for some time now, so I'm unaware of how this issue is currently being dealt with. Obviously there is some system in place that determines what positions end up bei…

General Chess Discussion - What do Higher Rated Players Visual or See regarding the Board? #4

Hikaru Nakamura was asked this question on reddit. Marlows_monkeys: "When you visualize a chess position, such as during a blindfold game, or when going over a score without a board present, what do y…

Game analysis - Help : How to sacrifice pieces ?#8

This is how you do it!

Off-Topic Discussion - GM Maurice Ashley's cameo in Billions.#2

Already seen these, where's Maurice at that Millionaire Chess event? He said he played that tournament, but there's no footage :\

General Chess Discussion - How important is psychology?#3

Chess is more a science than an art. The advent of supercomputers and today's engines proves this. The computer has 0% psychology, 100% deep calculation. It may be that the extent to which human psych…

Game analysis - Don't play the bird #2

b3 of course was his blunder. He was just playing the usual move in the Bird opening without thinking. This is an opening in which white attempts to control the dark squares, rather than the light squ…

Game analysis - Don't play the bird #1

Don't move the f pawn unless you know what you're doing!
