
Search "user:CAPALEFISKAS"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is claiming to cheat forbidden?#12

i would like to know a good way,how to detect,or to find and report all cheaters??is there any method i can use to check my games and get to known who cheated me.??

General Chess Discussion - Is claiming to cheat forbidden?#10

All people who cheat should be reported,it is a waste of time for us,to be playing with anyone who uses a computer,cause a computer never lost

General Chess Discussion - Is claiming to cheat forbidden?#9

guys i have found there are sometime,some people who used a machine not mistakes and very deep and strong moves,to be only about 1850.I have detected and report some but others looks to be very inteli…

General Chess Discussion - time doesnt run#1

i would like to know why today march 26th i have lost 3 games comsecutives because the rival whatch doesn run and mine yes,lot in 10 moves like 40 seconds,and i play very fast making a preselecting mo…

General Chess Discussion - como puedo reclamar unas tablas teoricas#1

llegue a un final alfiles de distinto color y un peon el contrario que no puede coronar pues esta interceptado por mi alfil y rey,mi contrario al ver que me quedan 30 s,comienza a mover su rey para ga…

General Chess Discussion - exportar todas mis partidas a pgn#1

hola amigos de lichess,quisiera saber como podria exportar todas mis partidas de lichess,para despues imprimirlas,analisarlas y pasarlas en un tablero fisico.