
Search "user:Arcticpenguin"

113 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - 2 game series will legitimize ratings and make Chess Sexier#8

Basque Chess (two players play each other as white and black in two simultaneous games) would be a pretty fun variant. It would probably require too many tweaks to the existing interface to implement …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#78

I'm really excited about the new puzzle mode; thanks so much Lichess developers! I hope this also opens things up for additional puzzle modes in the future! If you're gauging user interest in other mo…

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Lichess Feedback - Playing annonymous#7

Right, I don't think there's an easy way to find an Anonymous game to spectate or analyze without having the exact URL you get when playing. That's why the registered user you saw was probably the (pr…

Lichess Feedback - Playing annonymous#4

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're describing, but the "spectators" listed in the analysis board after a game ends are users (or Anon sessions) looking at the game right now (i.e. after it …

Lichess Feedback - Playing annonymous#2

If you "Sign In" immediately after playing an Anonymous game, you'll stay on the game page. Since you can only initiate a computer analysis while logged in, it looks like your opponent signed in to th…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments are on Lichess#189

Thanks for introducing the Swiss System; this is great! I know this is just in Beta, but I'd argue that Swiss eventually might not need to be restricted to teams. Yes it's a format that "... demand[s]…

Lichess Feedback - Chess 960 / Fischer Random versus Placement Chess poll#25

@picchiolu #21 In Chess960, the king is always between the rooks but castling from any arrangement is always possible. In Placement chess the king and rook must be placed on their normal squares if th…

Lichess Feedback - Chess 960 / Fischer Random versus Placement Chess poll#14

If we're removing variants, Chess960 seems like it should be the last on the list. Not only is it the most played variant, but it's the only variant that sees (somewhat) significant tournament play fr…

Lichess Feedback - Feature suggestion: Tournament type where lichess is not doing pairing#8

I like it, nice idea! You leave the problems created in each tournament format (accepting players, matching players, dealing with dropouts and late joiners, never ending increment games, players gamin…
