
Search "user:AlvarDev"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Join team with api not working#4

Patched my code with accept() method Http::accept('application/json')->withToken($user->lichess_token)->post($url, [ 'message' => "my-message", 'password' => "my-password", ]); Thanks. It's working no…

Lichess Feedback - Join team with api not working#3

I have the "team:write" scope. But http-client response is 200 and returns lichess html registration page. I use Laravel 9. Everything works fine before yesterday. I didn't change my code. Here is my …

Lichess Feedback - Join team with api not working#1

Yesterday it worked. But today this function does not work. A password is required to join. It works with the password field on lichess, but not with the API.

Lichess Feedback - lichess-api: adding name to bulk pairings feature#1

Hello, guys! Is it possible in the future to add custom "name" field or something similar for creating a bulk pairing in lichess-api? Or maybe in games? This would be useful for making custom tourname…
