
Automated Chess ELO

This site gives an estimate of ELO by checking the move you make in 10 puzzles.

I got 1695, a bit on the higher side than my lichess classical ELO. I took about a minute or half a minute for each puzzle.
I wonder what scores stronger players and weaker players get in that test. Please take some minutes if possible and reply to this thread!
I think I have already done that one and my result was 1470 or so.
looks like on the more mediocre tests around there. The position 9 seems to not award any points even for no. 1. engine move.

The elo estimate is also quite suspect as expected (got around 2000 on my try).

EDIT: also the evaluations seem quite off... e.g. Nf6-d5 (hanging a piece) awards 80 more points than Nf6-e8 in the last puzzle

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