
New opening? Double Fianchetto?

I am not an expert on opening
It doesn't seem bad, slight spacial disadvantage maybe.
Probably not important, but it involves quite a few moves and you might not get that much time to develop.
I also feel that you might have some small problems in center.
Also your white bishop doesn't seem to be doing much.
Oh yeah, sorry they are suppose to be on the queen side, it is good against Karo-cann exchange variation, the bishops get solid diagonals that hit the king. Let me now about more questions
I've always thought this was a difficult opening to play from that side IMHO. Try to play a bit more slowly and less forcefully. Good luck and may good will find you.
You have Black playing inferior moves on moves 4,5,6,8,9 and 10; maybe you should look at the possibilities if Black plays d5 on move instead of the very harmless and passive d6! ;)
Other than that: your final position is a kind of Hedgehog for White, attacking nothing and with no attacking potential. It's just waiting to be busted open; the first bishop is about to be exchanged to no advantage, and the pawn structure is weakened.
Also, you can castle kingside, you will still have a bishop and queen hitting his position, also the middle is not too bad. I dont see any tricks, the engine thinks it is ok if you castle kingside.
Mack, you are right, can you try too make a game with this? I just want to see what happens
PS my reply #6 was to post #1; to #5: turn on the computer and see what it thinks of your 13.0-0-0 !
#8 - well, it's not something I'd play ;) if you go through your openings with the Opening Explorer turned on, you see that on this database after 3.g3 Black wins 63% of the games, and 4.f3 doesn't improve matters ... if Black then replies 4...d5 (instead of your d6) the percentage rises to 87% for Black (average rating of the players: 2049). To be honest, that doesn't give me much hope for a rosy future! The same applies to the Caro-Kann version; 5.b3 just does not seem like a good idea.

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