

@HrishikeshPs said in #29:
> yeah you are right but after i finished my 4rth game like in the end of the fourth game my network was gone (opponent had 2-3 sec on clock that's why i won) then when it came back it showed that i am still playing a game when i clicked on that it showed me the game that i was playing last (which was over already) i did this a couple of times when there were still 9 mins remaining in the tournament and it still said i am playing a game for 9 mins until the tournament was over and after that i could not see the game
That IS weird.
Let's analyze this.

You write in the chat: It should be 12. Because you had 8 points with 3 games because you won the last one, it should be 12. This did not happen. You got 8 Points in the end. Why is this so?

> 1. my first game 2 Points
> 2. 2nd game 2 Points
> 3. 3rd game 4 Points

> 4. 4rth game (this is not showing in the tournament) -

My observation:

If you win after the tournament is "finished", the points are not counted, so you only have 8 points when you should have gotten 12. Game 4 was therefore simply finished too late.

Conclustion: this is not a glitch.
@ZerkorNotToZerk said in #33:
> Let's analyze this.
> You write in the chat: It should be 12. Because you had 8 points with 3 games because you won the last one, it should be 12. This did not happen. You got 8 Points in the end. Why is this so?
> My observation:
> If you win after the tournament is "finished", the points are not counted, so you only have 8 points when you should have gotten 12. Game 4 was therefore simply finished too late.
> Conclustion: this is not a glitch.
well i finished the game 10 mins before the tournament finished but it still shows 8 and if you checked that day itself then you could have seen that my last game ended 8 mins before hoegi's game (hoegi's last game in the tournament)
Lemme clear up some confusion. What's happened with it is that the forum owner has played in a tournament, played 3 games, won all 3. He's then played a 4th and finished his game 10 mins before tournament end. however, Lichess couldn't recognise the game was over, and he lost 9 mins, and the points from the resulting game (another win, which would have been 4 points)
@HrishikeshPs said in #9:
> and btw the last game i played was 21 mins ago literally when the tournament had 10 mins
The time shows when you started playing. Not when you ended.
@BlingGamer said in #35:
> Lemme clear up some confusion. What's happened with it is that the forum owner has played in a tournament, played 3 games, won all 3. He's then played a 4th and finished his game 10 mins before tournament end. however, Lichess couldn't recognise the game was over, and he lost 9 mins, and the points from the resulting game (another win, which would have been 4 points)
yeah but it was noy lichess fault maybe because i lost my internet at the last second
@ak4shr0i said in #37:
> The time shows when you started playing. Not when you ended.
it was a 30 sec game for each so the max is 1 min game

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