
BREXIT - What´s your opinion?

What I'm surprised about is how people in the UK are worrying of standing in the UK. School children and workers from other countries in the UK shouldn't be worrying. The UK wouldn't deport them and I doubt they will lose their jobs or homes. They need to stop being so worried.
They made a very good decision.
The truth is that Europe is good for the financial lobbyes, not for the citizen. This is why many States had not permitted a referendum to choose if the country has to join E.U.
In Italy most of people want to leave; we pay 15 billions every year and we receive 9 billions; this mean 6 billions euros every year, and for what? Having the agricoltural sistem destroyed? having to accept food's rule that are really ridiculous? Or stick to financial rules that many other country such as Germany France and Spain just ignore?
E.U. is good only for Germany. They are building the fourth reich, Greece has fallen and England escaped just in time; all the other countries have build the cage and then they gave the key to Berlin.
Great choice by the Brits. That was the responsible thing to do. The problem of the EU is obvious enough: it weakens, constrains and burdens member States without serving any real purpose. It's a parasitic organization. We didn't have to go out of it because we never entered it in the first place.

I feel very much European, I've traveled Europe North, West, South and East and liked all the people I've met, and I'm all for European collaboration and mutual support. But the EU in its present form is a disgrace, and it functions with a flawed ideology. I thought Barroso was bad until I saw Junker...

To be fair, there was one purpose: avoiding war among European States, and the first steps with the French-German cooperation were probably fine. But it went out of hand, the people there are all convinced that the more the continent integrates, the better, even though no-one really knows why.

When people are burdened by their membership with an organization, and they don't really understand what useful purpose the organization serves, the reasonable thing to do is to quit.

Some European Union will be born again on better grounds. We'll join the Visegrad :)
I always wondered why the European Union was so much in a hurry to attract so many eastern european countries as new members. Maybe we Europeans had to follow the american strategy: 1st EU-membership and 2nd NATO-membership to encircle Russia further with military bases? It seems to me that the cold war never ended and the USA can not accept that Russia wants to go its own way and building a good relationship to western Europe.
It makes a lot of sense for a European union to include Eastern European countries. Europe was divided in two by the USA and USSR after the war, and in a sense ceased to be European proper to be a USA or a USSR satellite. If there is one worthwhile goal of a European union it is to restore European sovereignty, culture and identity, and to do this including Eastern countries is a must (a bit like the Germans did with their reunification in fact).

The US are worried that such a strong EU would be born, and even more worried that it could have a strong partnership with (or even include) Russia. The reason is simple: if that would happen, then it would be the US that would become our sattelite. They would lose their global leadership. So they do all they can to have a weak and docile EU that hates Russia. In Western Europe there are a lot of people who practically represent the US' interests, whether they have good reasons for doing so or because they are misled in thinking it's the right thing. And also Eastern European countries are understandably still a bit worried about the large Russian neighbor and so the partnership with the US makes them feel more secure.
Let people be free. There's no legitimate reason the UK needs to be under control of a foreign government.
#16 JaquesD

A lot of good reasons but why did Switzerland never apply for full membership? Interesting to learn about your opinion.
Of course it's a multifaceted issue.

I like to think that Switzerland has kept the traditional political notion that a nation state needs to be sovereign so that its people are free to decide on their political orgnization and how they want to live. Additionally it has a strong tradition of direct democracy, by which the people vote very often on all sorts of matters, as I'm sure you already know.

There was a time (in the nineties, if I remember well) when all the media, all the prominent people and all the parties (minus one) wanted Switzerland to enter the EU. It was the meaning of history (which had reached its end by the way), progress, yada yada. The Swiss People's Party and a few related associations campaigned against it, and convinced the people to decide otherwise.

Interestingly the main figure of that party was a self-made billionaire right-wing populist. BUT his hair was not orange, so he was less frightening! Still, every "decent person" said he was a scare monger, a xenophobe, a danger, an isolationist, and all that -- but the Swiss ultimately didn't care and in majority agreed with him. Today most people agree that it was the best thing to do. While no-one at the time dared to say openly that they didn't want us to enter the EU, now no-one dares to say openly that they want it.

The EU operates on a wrong ideology and is detrimental to Europe.
@jacquesd your views are very interesting thank you for sharing.
when England first wanted to join the EU, it was advertised a single market place.
however over the years it seems to have turned into a single political union as well, which for obvious reasons is never going to work.

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