
Lichess/FIDE Rating

Many of us want to know what means the FIDE Rating in comparisson with the lichess Rating. Feel free to post your USCF/FIDE Rating and your lichess Classic Rating. The we can see what differences we are talking about.

Lichess Classical: 2228 National strength: about 1800

Fide blitz 2049. Lichess blitz (highest) 2190
It won't ever be very precise... Lichess doesn't even use Elo.
Of course the relativity of any rating system is necessarily imprecise, or a rough estimate of ability, even within the same system, not to speak of comparing different systems.

Nevertheless, the anecdotal responses I've witnessed over the years consistently prove that the numbers are higher, in general, on lichess than in OTB rating systems that use Elo.

I'm provisional over the board, so I can't offer "evidence" of my own, but it's not difficult to see this trend.

your classic rating on lichess can not be compared with classic fide, most of you play with time 10-20 min (classic games) It's a rapid game. These comparisons are not reliable

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