
Request: Correspondece end game

When the correspondece game ends, it just disappears and its pretty hard to find it again and take a look at analysis and so on. Could you make games played to be sorted by its end and not beggining? Or allow to list only correspondce, or blitz, or classical games in the players profile?
True, I don't understand why this is such a hassle. -_-
I second this request. A correspondence game might have started weeks ago. They are almost impossible to find.
- Either allow (or always) sort by end date instead of start time
- or allow to filter on "correspondence", "bliz", etc.

Above post is not the same. It is talking about how to find your own games. Which is different from finding a correspondence game amongst 100 other games played in the last weeks.
I think having options to filter by game type would be best. If you want to find a game in progress it may have started weeks ago as well and there would be no end date, no? I think this sort of filter would be great for both user games and the games list in general. I personally don't enjoy watching bullet matches because they move too fast for me to enjoy the nuances of the positions as they happen, so if I want to watch other members' games, I'd much prefer to watch slower clocks, but there is no way to sort them (as far as I am aware anyway).

And this is also a problem when trying to go back to one of my own games for analysis. The only way around that is to bookmark them, but sometimes I have reasons to go back to an older game that I didn't find particularly interesting enough to bookmark and then have trouble finding it.

So I think a filter for both searches would be great!
Me too i have this problem.

I thinktje best idea is on research party, found specialy correspondance game, in the time or in the variante
Part of the problem is, that games "disappear" overnight. E.g. the opponent resigns at night. The next morning, all I see is that I am missing a game, I had 7 games in progress, and now I have 6.

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