
From 1200 to 1600? possible?

How many players are there who made it to 1600/1500 from 1200? I think they can be an inspiration for players like me and also pave me the way to get there.
1) When i looked at your past games you haven't analyzed a single game with the engine.You must analyze every single classical game you play with the engine especially the games you LOST this will help you pick up where you went wrong and in the future not make the same mistakes.
2) Do a blunder check before you make a move- Check to see if your opponent can take the piece before you move it to the square.
3) Practice tactics
4) Develop all your pieces in the opening as quickly as possible and don't exchange every piece that you can exchange check to see the possible effects before exchanging any pieces.
5) Have fun and don't leave the game when you are losing-there is a resign button- I noticed out of your last 4 games 2 of them you left.

Hope this helps!
Everybody made to xxxx elo from 1200 elo! It's just a matter of hard training and dedication.
What I suggest you to do is to watch a lot of videos on Youtube where titled players explain chess games move per move (ChessNetwork and KingCrusher come to mind) and do a lot of tactics!
I didn't leave it was connection problem but thanks for your reply

by the way you are right on one point, i don't usually analyze when I lose, I only do it when I win to see what glorious moves I have played to take pride in myself. Bad habit, need to be changed.
@pita96 I am talking about lichess rating, is it possible for a player who is still in 1250s after a thousand games to reach 1600?
I started playing at age 28 with 1200.
I play since 4 years ago and i'm somewhat near 1600 at classical.

I never read a book and I never trained specific subjects.
I've just learned some chess basics and topics at Youtube.

But 4 years is a lot of time.
With maybe books and a proper guided training you should could even reach 1600 in a couple of months or so.

There are a few basic subjects that can raise your your level of playing quite fast. Other subjects are far too advanced and you should not waste time in them yet.

That's why a guided study should be best. Some ideas are profitable at a certain level and not useful at a lower level.

I remember me at my first weeks of playing, trying to learn the knight + bishop mate from a Youtube video, with lots of effort!, not realizing that I would be never able of gain any profit from that at a beginner level.

They say the most profitable skill at lower levels is tactics.
Just learn the principles of opening (not memorizing any of it) and learn tactics. Train tactics, lots of tactics and it's also important to learn how to deliver mate with rook + king, and queen + king.

That should get you near 1600 in not so much time, but that's just my opinion. Remember i'm not a good player.

Good players should advice you better.

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