
Show the clock time on analysis board

Its already possible to replay a game in the real time that the moves were made and to see the time spent on each move by looking at the graphs, but the simplest and more helpful thing would be to see the clock of both players, just like in the real game, and see the time remaing when the move was made.
Hey Zerdax, thank you for your question. This is a common problem that is encountered across the platform. It happens on, ChessCube, ICC, and even real life DGT boards I mean it's ridiculious. I do not think this is a difficult problem to overcome. As mCoombes314 correctly points out, the given move times are not exact, but it isn't hard to display approximations given that you have the time control. This is something that's been on my back burner. I would really appreciate a Follow and I'll get back to you.
Hello Water, thank you for the nice answer. I mean, the information somehow is there, is not a problem of data storage, I guess.

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