
Need classical help

I have trouble with classical, and rapid for that matter, in being able to take slow moves, and it has negatively affecyed my rating compared to say bullet. Any suggestions on what i can do?
Are you saying the more you think, the worse you play? If so, you may have a not so rare condition called “brain rust induced by long term neglect”. The condition is not terminal. There’s a really easy cure which is to use your brain a bit more everyday. Take baby steps as they say. The brain is very malleable - it will start working better once you start training it.
a tip i learned was to sit on you hands to prevent yourself from blitzing a bunch of moves.

The more time you spend analysing a position the better your moves tend to be.

That's my advise
You should relax and analyze the position making notes of 'candidate moves' in your brain before moving,analyze each candidate move closely and deeply before deciding, forget the clocks just take your time, relax...this methodical approach may stop your compulsion to move without thinking
Soo, the younger you are the faster you are the faster you tend to play. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as you are focused.
My piece of advice
1.Create a check list and do it after you before you move any piece and after your opponent moves.
2. Stop playing blitz and bullet while you work on classical chess. It’s really really hard to go from playing 1 minute chess to 90 minute chess. You need time to get use to playing classical chess.
3. Do your tactics and study pawn structures from your openings.
4. Analyze your loses WITHOUT the engine.

And the most important tip. In between each and every classic game take a break. Relax maybe don’t even play any more that day.
We lose the most rating after we binge play. “Just have to get my rating back before I can sleep”
“I will stop after I get just one good win”
“Well just one more.”

Oh this is your friendly reminder that if you bought a chess book you should get your moneys worth and finish it.

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