
Is it more difficult to get a 1800 classical rating now than one half year ago?

Currently my rating is around 1750 in classical. Around one half year ago I had not much trouble staying around 1800. Do you think the competition at lichess is tougher today or do I play worse?

Some possible explanations except for playing worse or changes in opponent skills could be that I play fewer tournaments, which means meeting fewer berserkers and fewer wins when my opponent take too long to make the first move. I also tend to play a little shorter games. More 8-10 minutes and 5+5 instead of 10+5 which I played more before.
Not sure, but looking at the leaderboard I'm confused as to why everyone 2600+ in Classical dropped to below 2550 (the top was over 2900 rated yesterday). I have no idea as to what happened but maybe Lichess 'balanced' the Classical scale so the elitists lacked an inflated rating of almost 3000?

Then again, 50 points of rating difference for you shouldn't be much. Around 4-5 or so decisive matches can give you a +50 or -50 rating.
Today, it seems, the competition is stronger; I can't get to 2200 in Classical no longer.
Is there a technical explanation? Or might be just a psychological phenomenon within a selected group of people drawn to this post due to a very personal recent rating drop?
I forgot to say I noticed my rating dropped too. I thought it was just me until now.

Anyway, maybe we're just statistical noise and people gathered here are a non-representative sample brought here by the topic of the post.
I agree with this tendency. Several months ago I was easily 2300+ player with any type of play. Today I hit 2300 barrier with a very best attempts. Also some of my opponents who were 2200-2300 are now 2100-2200.
Am I the only one who instead gained raiting in classic? :)

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