
disconnect and claiming victory

lichess has to do something about this....

i play him a lot, and he usually play 5+30 960 chess, so needless to say, with his games, he takes his sweet old time, and i put up with it.

but this game, as happens a lot on this site, i get temporarily disconnected, and it usually take a minute or two to get reconnected.

now, i'm not in a losing position, but within a minute or less, it's show "the other player may have left the game" and the dude claimed victory. i say this is cheap, because we a familiar with each other, and i never leave games.

so, how do we prevent cheap victories due to disconnections?

how about a minimum time limit, let's say 50% of time left or overall game time, to allow for disconnections?

that allows him not to have to wait the entire time, but also gives him the benefit of the doubt.

or maybe don't display the "player may have left" message so soon.
I am on the other side of your argument quite often.
Anonymous players like to leave the game when they are losing.
Not allowing to claim victory is very bad.
P.S, next time don't play him with such shitty time controls.
If no one plays him, he will gain no rating
#3, i'm saying for disconnections, and i'm not saying don't allow it either, just a margin of time like for rebooting or such,

when i reboot (sometimes that fixes temporarily the issue of reconnecting), it take me only a minute or two, but i have to "leave the page" in order to do it.

clearly in this game we weren't even in the middle game and i disconnected, so i rebooted. only 2 minutes had elapsed, but he claimed victory as soon as i rebooted.
There is such a fine line with this sort of stuff.

On one hand it drives me crazy if my internet drops out and I lose a game because of it. On the other hand, it's one of the main reasons I play here... I was tired of all the people who would just walk away in a losing position on
Maybe we need an "ethics" or "like" rating. Before you start playing you know whether a player is going to be nice and resign, or tends to do things like walking away.

Ie. ratio of up/down votes, and total number of votes. Ratio could be displayed as stars, or the actual ratio displayed.
))) у меня показывает, что истекает время партнёра, потом - хоп и у меня нули - я проиграл))) прикол!
The opponent can just disconnect because of his/her bad Internet connection. So the server gives him some time to reconnect. If he does not reconnect, the server gives you an ability to claim win.
I think #7has a good idea there, maybe they should have a "like" rating... it would help quite a bit!

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