
After a powerful defense, attack!

After my opponent try to pull off a fierce attack, I managed to defend, and then finally counterattack with a nice queen sac at the end! I was on the white side!

(original game:

What do you think about this game and how I played?
Thank you
1. Ne7 was a mistake by black. He should've gone for Qc7 or Nf6.
2. I wouldn't dare to open a and b files, however, the computer says it's fine and you dealt with it in a great manner.

Black sacrificed a piece and failed the attack. You delivered a nice checkmate and prevailed in this sharp madness. Bravo.
@RoadTo1201 yes that's true I was a bit confused by Ne7. Also his sacrifice was tempting to open the files, but as seen, was a mistake, thanks for enjoying the game!

@Akbar2thegreat Yes I managed to maintain my advantage throughout! Glad you enjoyed the queen sac!

@blitzchesstr Yes but it is quiet tempting I would say myself.

@dnowmects What do you mean? I just wanted to open files and taking the rook is not as good.
25. Qg3+ is crushing, and you played it on move 26. So why 25. exd5 instead?
nice ending.. but queenside castling is just too much risk for my taste especially in a blitz game given that too many players will just sac pieces to deliver endless checks sometimes ... but anyways you can't deny queen sac leading to mate is a thing of beauty ...

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