
losing rating points between logins, atleast I think

Loads of people cheat against me on Lichess, and i am not cheating at all but i appear to be losing rating points presumably through accusations of cheating.
@ALWynJones said in #1:
> Loads of people cheat against me on Lichess

They don't, you're just tilted and can't stand losing.

> but I appear to be losing rating points presumably through accusations of cheating

That's nonsense too, but you can end up losing your chatting rights if you keep shaming people.
@Cedur216 said in #2:
> They don't, you're just tilted and can't stand losing.
> That's nonsense too, but you can end up losing your chatting rights if you keep shaming people.
accusations i am cheating and i dont like your attitude stop being rude
when someone of rating 1600 on here plays a 10 move 20 ply check mate against me in a 3 0 game i immedietaly assume they are cheating d'OH

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