
Ukraine losing to Putin as Marjorie Taylor Greene & Trump continue to dissuade Speaker Mike Johnson

@gilligan841 said in #5:
> Can you explain why war wouldn't have happened; I have no clue?

Yes. Trump had a different attitude and a better relationship with Putin, U.S.A had troops on Ukraine, just as Putin had troops on Venezuela, so Russia held back from invading Ukraine, since that would cause a direct conflict.

Biden removed the troops from Ukraine, saying that "Anything could happen".

Trump would talk with Putin, avoid a direct conflict and keep U.S. troops on Ukraine. He would be more firm.
There are other reasons aswell.

Free-Market makes enemy nations economical partners, so you can't bomb someone that is sending you money, and you don't want to bomb a country that is sending you energy resources. Since Russia has been sanctioned in every way, this has been broken.

Soccer is a way to demonstrate superiority, to challenge another country and win, to defeat in a way that will not trigger war. Like a emotional win, a chess game during cold war. Russia has been banned from Soccer.

There are a lot of problems that shouldn't happen this way. Why do you allow an enemy nation to develop enough nukes to destroy the entire OTAN? You should infiltrate this nation, know everything about it inside and boycott their war arsenal.
This is being done by Socialists against the U.S., not by U.S. against Russia.

So, basically the U.S. is doing everything wrong, and it could be already defeated.

More developed countries are better for the population, but they can be quickly destroyed with a harsh attack and no defenses. That's what I'm afraid of.
i dont give a dam about this war, im just relaxing because its not happening that on were i live :)
George Bush worked with WHO (World Health) & Won vs Covid in 2003 . Trump had a Trade Seal with China & did nothing in December, January, febuary & March but 'play down the virus' to 'save face; for his Trade Deal & Covid 2019 spread 4 years ago
Allowing Russia with Putin as a Dictator win the war in Ukraine is UNTHINKABLE to ANY REAL AMERICAN
@ThunderClap problem is that some REAL AMERICANs (TM) don't think. Blame it on TV, that's as good a reason as any.
Bigger problem is; TV (or whatever is wrong with REAL AMERICANs) is contagious, and has already become a pandemic.

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