
What Chess Websites Are Missing?

Considering all the free websites online today that provide you Chess literature, ability to play online anytime, study openings etc., what are we missing?

I ask this as.. if you could wish for one website related to Chess in anyway, and it’s free, what would it be?

I might have a few tricks up my sleeve ;)
Something like ChessCraft but with a matchmaking system and more options (like adding variant rules to mix)
A site where computers that play variants could play against each other and against humans. I am definitely in a minority wanting this I realize. Lichess technically does this, but makes it extremely hard for a human who wants to play computers to find what computers are available and what variants they play, making it almost as if they are not there.
@KamenNedev said in #4:
> Then I take it you know, @ProgrammerAngrim? Not sure about engines playing one another but It does hqve many variants.
yea, I've asked them about support for engines, and it isn't currently a priority. So they don't even have a Bot interface like Lichess does. They two bots that you see on there are part of the server, not player-run.
It would be great to just have a site have ultra bullet only.
Back to the original question, I wish ChessCafé had a different business model which would allow their content to be read for free online. I miss sites with quality writing (commentary, criticism, theory, interviews, history essays, etc.). ChessCafé was among the best in that field. And, while great chess magazines like New in Chess have managed to get a good online presence, their business models require them to remain behind a paywall.

So, yes, this is the kind of chess website I miss.
@Xsuxa said in #6:
> It would be great to just have a site have ultra bullet only.

How about 2, 4, and 6min time controls ...

and players can choose to buy in tournaments to win cash? 1000players $6 entry, top 6 get cash.
Must have cameras viewing from behind to see any and all devices and screens in front of you.
I wish there was a website where we could see any chess book we want in a game/ Puzzle format for free.
I dont want to pay to play, nor am I seeking any cash prize, etc. I just think an ultra bullet only site would be fun.

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