
Special trening mode [Feature request]


I'd like to have a certain training mode where I can setup a position and play agaist stockfish with an option to undo its moves and force it to play something different (I'd expect all branches to be recorded so I can make a study out of it). Another option would be to have a regular game analysis with best move arrows being shown but only for one of the players (so I play my moves without hints, and then I get set of hints for my opponent).

Why do I need it? I often train complex puzzles (end games usually, which require 10 or more moves) and I'd like to see if my moves are correct with the best possible answer from my oponent. Also sometimes I just want to check if I'd manage to win in a certain posision playing something different than I did.
There is already a variant in study where I can setup a position and 'train with computer' (translated from polish) which would be almost what I need with two exceptions:
1. when I play a weak move, I immediately get a feedback it was a weak move with a hint what should I play (which is bad for two reasons: I want to figure out it was a bad move by myself, and I don't want a hint what should I have played).
2. I am unable to force stockfish to play certain moves (as rarely it plays non optimal moves and I'd like to correct it or simply I wanna try another variant).

Michał Walenciak
@Kicer You can use board editor, click on study, edit the study
You can directly create study and edit it with board editor.
It doesn't allow me to get hints for one player only.

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