
What admins don't want you to know


That's partly true. Cheaters will always find a way. But we can make it harder.

There are some features that make cheating easy, and then there are others which make it VERY easy.

The download pgn thing during the game is really naive, and no other chess website would do it because it would be too easy to cheat.

It is impossible to avoid cheaters because anyone can open another program on the side and key in the moves. But we can still make it harder for them to automate that process. Take pointers from ex-cheaters and see how we can tackle this problem. It should not be so easy as it is now to cheat in bullet time control... But right now, it can been done on lichess.
No other site? Heh, on ICC all you have to do is type "pgn" at the console to get the moves of the current game in PGN format :)
Very nice to see both jrobi and Kingscrusher on this website. Jrobi was the first Youtube channel I started watching back in the Topolov v. Anand rematch, and his channel got me back into actually following chess and studying again. I went from about a 900 to nearly 1200 in a few months of watching his channel and doing study. Kingscrusher is now my go-to, I absolutely love his Evolution of Chess Style series, and I admire both of you very greatly.

As for the topic of high profile cheating, I don't have much to say though. I agree that all that can be done is balancing the vision of the site with anti-cheating measures. I tend to agree that the pgn should only be available after the game is concluded, though. I often find myself in a match with someone in an opening or endgame where my opponent seems to be taking far too long to make a move, and in the back of my mind I am thinking "is he looking this [opening/endgame] up in a database or something?" It's frustrating that players, even at such a low level as myself, have to think of such things; unfortunately, honesty in competitive arenas combined with anonymity do not go hand-in-hand. It's a shame, but a reality that we have to deal with and do what we can to prevent.
Going back to previous comments on the cheat detection. The thing is, Thinkabit was raising red-lights everywhere on the automated systems, you can see right here:

The problem is that Thinkabit played on the human element. Moderators aren't infallible.

Never knew there were so many conspiracy theorists on lichess.
I cannot tell if he was using bots at other times, but if we just talk about the video, there is no evidence that he was using a bot. In fact his premoves, and retraction of candidate moves make him seem human to me. I also cannot judge whether 'Mouse movement is too uniform'. If infact it were a bot, it just passed the Turing test.
Really?! If we talk about the video he dared not say a word - instead there was background music on the whole thing. This doesn't pass the Turing test at all - no attempt made at all either. For a convincing pass, I would expect to hear some commentary.
He did not seem to be thinking on the moves too much. It is suspicious.

There is a guy on YouTube: bastiaan0741 who plays(ed) vs computers (even rybka lost on video) with commentary. He plays specific openings , gambits, ...check that out.
I'm not really sure I like threads targeted at Admin likes this in retrospect and I am sorry i replied but I guess someone else might of. The Admin are very busy already and don't need extra hassle from the forums I expect.

I wouldn't mind a policy where threads directed at Admin are simply moderated out in future - especially from brand new seemingly "troll accounts" or brand new accounts. If it had been an established member starting this thread - then maybe tolerate it for a bit and then take it privately somewhere to address some grievance.

But from a brand new member just wanting to cause trouble - he has no rights to question Admin here or Site policy. If he has no apparent investment in the site - why is he even allowed to post?! I would only allow posters after a few completed games, etc.

For the site's evolution we need to give Admin some peace so they can improve the site.

If "thinkabit" was some anonymous GM - not prepared to do commentary, not prepared to show his real name, etc - then what exactly have we lost?! From my perspective - Nothing.

It adds nothing to the site to have computer-accuracy anonymous strength players who seemingly can't share a thing with the community. No insights - nothing.

If anyone wants to watch really accurate games, then just check out the recent TCEC unofficial computer world championship games at Chessbomb. Or games of the super GMs - but even they blunder on long time control games.

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