
On IM Spinaltap Closing His Account

If international master spinaltap closed his account, this would be an international tragedy. Maybe if we all come together we can convince him not to close his account!! He closed his account once and reopened it, we have to convince good ole' spinal to stay for good. Cheers!
He's got a point, doesn't he?
"Closing my own account due to online chess being a waste of time."
And a blitz sandbagging session as an epilogue of his lichess career.
He can't do whatever he wants - but he can do whatever he wants with his account (unless it goes against the rules).
He can do whatever he wants if he has the ability to do the thing he wants and is willing to deal with the responsibility of so.

In simpler terms, he can do whatever he wants.

I don't see why we should convince him not to close his account, but on the other hand we should applaud him for making a right decision that gives his life a better turn.

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