
Is there a lichess-based, self-hosted chess game viewer?

Let's say that I have a website and want to show my readers a chess game with interactive board and whatnot. Multiple JavaScript libraries exist to view chess games, but to me it seems most of them are very antiquated in design and likely in code quality.

I know that I can create a study on this site and embed it onto mine, but I'd prefer to be independent from other services (no offense to lichess), just in line with the FOSS philosophy.

Is there a library that would give me a chessboard, navigation, notation parsing etc. that can do that?
The honor of building and sharing that game viewer, using chessground and chessops, is yours to claim!
I will definitely consider doing that, but for the moment I will only claim the honor of being responded to by @thibault!
@avas_goridze said in #1:
> I know that I can create a study on this site and embed it onto mine, but I'd prefer to be independent from other services (no offense to lichess), just in line with the FOSS philosophy.

Independence from other services isn't part of any FOSS philosophy I'm aware of. Free software is concerned with allowing people full access to the software they have (sharing, modification, etc.); Open Source software is a development model allowing multiple distributed contributors.
you might end up with a great local chess GUI.... too.

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