
Whose idea was it to organise the Winter Marathon on a Thursday !?

People generally have a) school, b) work. Others mostly don't have money to buy a computer. Why not organise the Marathon on January 1, when everyone is on holiday, because many people on this site lives in countries that don't celebrate Christmas ( me included) BECAUSE I HAVE MY EXAMS HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY !? I HAVE NO TIME THAT I PLAY FROM MY CLASSROOM'S SMARTBOARD IN LUNCHBREAKS BECAUSE THERE ARE EXAMS FOR 3 WEEKS !
You may write a feedback to lichess for that :)
Even though personally I agree with you, it should be lastly at a Saturday or Sunday
100% agree,lichess should make important tournament o saturdays or sundays
Agreed; they should always fall on a Weekend.
Saturday preferably since Sunday youd have some people needing to go to sleep early for work/school.

While I agree with your OP mostly; I dont understand one part:
"Others mostly don't have money to buy a computer"

How would what day a tournament falls on help such people....and how would they be on lichess in the first place? Im missin something lol.
Me too I agree has well I mean chess is a good concept but 24 hours tournament seems to big! And the max I can play is 5 hours but 24 hours!!!!! And it is on weekdays so know way for players to join and complete the tournament
@J--p I would assume the idea behind a 24 hour tournament is so people who work/school part of the day can still participate in part of it; but others will play the entire 24 hours or close to it which throws the idea behind it out the window.
As Friday is a holy day for Muslims, Saturday for Jews, and Sunday for Christians, Thursday looks like a fine compromise.

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