
Preparing for the event of my life.

1 year and three months down since I started playing chess. Bought my plane tickets to the Reykjavik Open but first I am playing in the Mid America Open in Saint Louis. This is going to be a very challenging event both of them. I want rapid improvement so for the next few weeks I will be very focused on playing 90+30 games once a day every day. And test games with 60+30 time control against Komodo. Rapidly increasing my study hours to 3 per day and completely re doing my openings (I started this a few weeks ago). That is what my study time will be set aside for. Mostly making this post to keep me on track. Its going to be a long month ahead but I am focused to become the best I can be.
Tips are welcome for rapid improvement and study.
Wish u all the best. But you should expect the unexpected and be not over-excited. I know guys who played decently "2D" but when confronted "3D" over the board for the first time or in a real contest they were happy in the end to win one game at all... And don't do too much training, it can be counter-productive.
I play over the board regularly now. I don't expect to reach my performance goal this early but I have to by November of next year. I want to become 2000 otb then quit chess and never play again in my life. I have many more things to do in my life besides chess. For a while now (a few months) I have had multiple coaches and since my improvement has been great but its not enough. Im greedy I want more.
Normally your performance goes temporarily down after chess training.
It is better to get some sort of physical workout, like jogging, swimming... to get yourself in good physical shape to endure the long hours of concentration.
Also take precautions against jet lag.
Reykjavik is dark this time of the year.
@tpr thanks exercise is going to be part of the plan. Good idea ill adjust myself to timezone changes as it gets closer. April is fast approaching.

Maybe also stopping training two weeks before and just getting refreshed.
In April Reykjavik is not that dark any more, so that should be fine.
Pay tribute to the grave of Robert Fischer there.
Robert Fischer used to exercise holding his breath under water in the swimming pool as a preparation for his World Championship match with Boris Spassky in Reykjavik 11 February to 31 July 1972. He thought this would enable his brain to use oxygen more economically during his match.
I will also be competing the mid-American Open. Which division will you be in? If we are not competing against each other maybe we could play a few sparing games.
Drop practice games against engines, that will do you more harm than good I think. That time would be better spent on tactics or rest.
"I want to become 2000 otb then quit chess and never play again in my life."

But after you reach your goal on these serious tournaments you will continue to play amateur games time to time here on Lichess, don't you?
"I want to become 2000 otb then quit chess and never play again in my life."
It has been seen that rating obsession may spoil the simple joy of playing chess.

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