NM PawnSacrifice98 Lichess coach picture

NM Riccardo Marzaduri

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but by working hard you can become as strong as Rome!

LocationCatania Italy
LanguagesItaliano, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2207241023862512
Hourly rateFlexible pricing. Contact me!
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi! My name is Riccardo Marzaduri, and I’m a 24 years old NM. I live in Catania, Sicily, and I started playing chess at the age of 6.
In 2015 I became National Master. I started teaching chess in 2015 and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Meanwhile I’m studying Law at Bologna University “Alma Mater”. I’m a keen follower of many sports, above all football. I’m also interested in psychology, marketing and poetry and I like the connection that they all have with chess.

Playing experience

I tied for sixth place with with the third classified at the Young Chess Championship in 2013. My best result was probably in Amantea in 2014 when I did the “National Master Norm”. In 2015 I became National Master. I played a lot of high profile tournaments like “Grenke Chess Festival” in 2016. I beat many IMs and I drew with some GMs. I’m the team captain of the “Etna Scacchi” chess team that plays in Master league (the best Italian chess league).

Teaching experience

I started giving chess lessons in 2015 and I have had a lot of students, ranging from 5 to 70 years old. I love teaching chess and I think that with enough passion and hard work anybody can reach a high level. In my view, chess is mostly creativity, so I think that developing this skill is very important. I’ve prepared a lot of kids for Youth competitions with good results. I did some afternoon courses in schools. I have helped many players to make a big step forward in terms of the quality of their game. I can give guidance to players of various levels for their chess growth, starting from amateurs to strong players.
My approach to students is a friendly one but efficient at the same time.

Other experiences

I’m the admin of “ChessFortress” and I provided commentary for commented some important online tournaments like “Italian Banter Blitz Cup” and other matches of the Italian National Team.

Best skills

Friendly and flexible approach, suitable for every level and style of players.
I usually treat each student differently because everyone has a different style of playing, therefore I prepare different lessons and exercises for each student. At the end of every lesson I ask questions to make sure that everything has been properly understood and I also give exercises if necessary.

My strongest fields are:
Tactical game
Endgames Strategy
Positional game

Teaching methodology

Each student has its own personalised lessons in which I talk about one particular topic and then assign some “homework” to strengthen what has been learnt.
I also replicate matches played by students to understand their problems and limitations and I suggest solutions to overcome them. Working on the weak points of students allows them to grow and become stronger players.

YouTube videos