
Search "user:Wither77"

35 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How can I see the exact day I played a game on#5

@mkubecek said in #3: > When you open the game and hover your mouse pointer over the "1 month ago" text in the summary (top left panel of the page), it shows exact date and time (with granularity of o…

Lichess Feedback - How can I see the exact day I played a game on#2

I really need the answer fast. :(

Lichess Feedback - How can I see the exact day I played a game on#1

I wanted to see when exactly I played a game about 1 month ago and I cant see the exact day I played

Lichess Feedback - Why is it not showing the previous games?#1

When I clicked *next* on the bottom of the games it is showing me the previous games WITHOUT showing the games that were above it.

Lichess Feedback - Canceling draw offers should not be a feature.#18

I was just confused why I was getting downvoted. Also thanks for clearing the matter

Lichess Feedback - Can I Conceal my Lichess Account for a period of time? (Hide all information)#9

But what if you have already played properly on one account and everybody knows your openings and then if you try to fake it people will understand what you are trying to do, as @TomasThrainsson said …

Lichess Feedback - Canceling draw offers should not be a feature.#14

@Wither77 said in #3: > WDYM do you want the feature or not? Why am I getting downvotes? I just was confused because he contradicted his previous post

Lichess Feedback - Another User is Showing in my player Database.#2

A screenshot will explain the situation

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: take more severe actions against disconnecters#11

@C-Bear said in #10: > Lichess doesn't care at all about this and is therefore not doing anything. I don't why that cracked me up

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: take more severe actions against disconnecters#7

@SamanyayGhosh said in #6: > yeah that's why we have the feature to accept victory after a timer runs out. Lichess does give some warnings. Yeah but warnings are still not enough 10minute game ban is …
